[color=f26522][u]“Man, the only way I could be more bored would be by being made out of wood.”[/u][/color] Tetsu heard probably the corniest joke of the century come from off to the side of him and raised an eyebrow while letting out a very light chuckle. Who the hell makes a joke light that? With a growing curiosity Tetsunosuke looked to the direction in which the cheesy joke came from and examined the student sitting next to him. He was definitely not Japanese, but he seemed friendly. Friendly enough to assault Tetsu's ears with a corny joke, that is. His attire was certainly strange as well. Very Strange. It looked to just barely meet the standards of the schools uniform code if someone wasn't looking too closely. The shirt he was wearing looked like something one might wear on vacation in Latin America in Tetsu's opinion. [color=1a7b30][i]"Is...is that thing slightly see-through?"[/i][/color] He raised his brow even higher and finally let it rest. For sure, this was a very interesting guy. "What's your name?" He asked quietly and with hardly any emotion. [i]He definitely needed to work on his social skills.[/i] This was one of the only times Tetsunosuke asked this question of another student. He had a few acquaintances throughout his three years spent at Shinjuku, but no real friends. The closest thing he had to friends was his club mates and sparring partners, but it was never taken past the mats or the dojos. [color=1a7b30][i]"Maybe this year will be different in this aspect as well?"[/i][/color]