Upon her entering and disturbance among the few in the room, Valis felt like all eyes were on her. It wasn’t like this was the first time, and certainly wouldn’t be the last time. [i]Even so, relax, people tend to look at you when you address them after all.[/i] She hesitated for a moment, making sure to get over her sheepishness with the flick of an ear. Meanwhile, Valis’s little friend wasn’t too sure about this place. She let out nervous chitters, as if warning the centaur of the possible dangers this place may hide. Seble clambered from one horn to the other, looking to and fro for any signs of a threat. Something caught her eye as it fell to the ground. Curious, the sugar glider peeked at the ground, noticing it was a black feather. With more panicky barks, she dared looked up, seeing the owner of said feather. Ravens! She grew chattier, trying to catch Valis’s attention, although her cries were ignored. “Ooh, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d appreciate something to eat!” She gave her pouch a bounce, coins giving a jingle, pulling out fifteen gold, as was the price, but decided to add an extra five. “Please consider this extra as a gift for allowing me to stay indoors. Not many are as kind,” Valis said with a cheery grin, handing over the coins. She couldn’t help but have a glance at the intricate design of her tattoos, finding them rather fascinating. She couldn’t help but think those enduring the pain to get such art on their bodies to be rather brave. She blinked, looking away as to not be rude to her friendly hosts. “Thank you, dearie! Yes, this is my first time in this lovely village of yours. I never thought a charming place like this would even be out here. Thank goodness too, I was running low in supplies, and seeing new faces is certainly worth the quiet trip up here. Well I suppose until I helped that poor old dear. Said he was attacked by bandits or something of the sort!” Valis looked behind her, feeling as though she was getting rather chatty, and saw there were others who needed to be tended to. She moved aside, trying to get out of the way of the several people who have entered, giving warm smiles to each of them as a greeting. Once the raven reappeared, Seble gave a little leap, landing back into Valis’s hair. Before departing and going back into hiding, she gave a small hiss at the bird. Valis couldn’t help roll her eyes in good nature, knowing too well her friend was being a drama queen as usual. “I apologize for her behavior,” she shuffled a bit with her hooves clattering on the wooden floor, “and sorry for making the rest of you wait,” she added, feeling bad for inconveniencing anyone.