[b]Character Name[/b]: Patricia "Onyx" Archer [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Species[/b]: Black Cat [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://i.imgur.com/7hyDOMn.jpg[/img] At 170 cm and 55 kg, Patricia's body did not suffer any modification from the intense training she partook during boot camp, but she did build her strength and agility. Her visage does't say much about her mental state as she tends to keep an emotionless expression most of the times, albeit having gentle and bright features. Even though she displays complete emotional neutrality, she has expressive golden eyes that give away the curious and intuitive characteristics of her personality. On duty, she wears standard military attire issued by her Special Ops branch, a set of navy shirts and tank tops coupled with endless pairs of olive BDU pants. Off duty, Patricia takes great care in regards to her choice of attire and accessories, making sure she looks elegant in any situation. [b]Personality[/b]: Highly insightful, inquisitive, quiet and frank in her choice of words, Patricia comes off as a pleasant presence due to her calm and detached demeanor, but she's not much of a conversationalist. Not that she is unable to speak or connect words together and avoid being condescending, but she does not feel the need to speak to others unless it is absolutely necessary; she is most able to keep a conversation alive and does find pleasure in conversing with others, as she can be a lovable small feline. She is known to have quite a short fuse, though. Should anything annoy her in any way, she is easy to jump up and generally become an insufferable feline. She dislikes incompetence with a passion and looses her patience quickly, especially when it affects her and her performance. Patricia has learned to be independent, take action on her own accord, take full responsibility over her decisions and use her intuition to pull herself through most tight situations. Due to the nature of her specialization, she rarely is dependent on another teammate's support, which pushes her senses reflexes to maximum; it's here that she is most patient, preferring to face days of starvation and tension rather than someone's idiocy. [b]Personal History[/b]: Patricia was the only child of an upper middle-class family residing in a more civilized sector of Landren. With her mother being away on business trips for the most of her early life, Patricia picked up many of her father's passions, such as sports cars, video gaming and military GEARs; with those, she also started to show great interest in her father's field of work, him being a freelance concept designer working for several companies. He had the liberty of working at home, which influenced the development of Patricia's independent personality, her father teaching her to be self-sufficient while taking care not to spoil his little brat; her mother would come home every once and a while, which lead to a sort of distant relationship between the two. That would be aggravated by the almost inevitable conflict between the two. In a way, she did feel her absence just like any child would long for their mother, but her old man made sure she could handle herself regardless of his or her presence. The more pleasant part of Patricia's life ended abruptly with the definitive separation of her parents, the growing distance between them finally putting their marriage to an end; due to a loophole within the legal system, Patricia ended up living the last half of her teenage years with her mother and many of her boyfriends. This change pushed her more and more towards her father's pastimes, nurturing a ravaging want to walk in her father's footsteps so that one day they would work together. During this time, Patricia picked up some tricks from her mother, appreciating her taste in attire and courtesy; those were the only two characteristics that made Patricia's mother half-decent in her eyes. This positive impression about her mother was soon erased as she made sure that Patricia's dream would be crushed by her insistence, pushing her daughter to take up a career in business instead, promising her that money and wealth were the two parameters men were most interested in, besides beauty. Seeing that there was no room for passion in her life due to her mother's constant pressure, Patricia gave up on education, on her personal life, on all of her friends and joined the military on a whim. She did not have a particular reason to do so, but she felt it was the right move. She enjoyed physical effort and she believed that this would also increase her mental fortitude, but most importantly, she would get away form her life. Regret soon followed, but she was already halfway towards selection by then; she tried to convince herself that her father would have agreed to this decision. She would have loved to talk to him, but since the divorce, he nowhere to be found. Having that as a motivating factor, she gave her very best during boot camp, achieving high marks and remarks from her superiors; she had opted to take up GEAR piloting, knowing that her old man would beam in glee at the thought of his daughter piloting a giant robot. To her delight, she was accepted in a Spec Ops task force thanks to her performances. Years of brutal physical and mental trials made her a resilient and reliable woman, a real artist of a pilot. Once she was given her distinctive patches and decorations, Patricia was immediately drafted for a campaign with the 13[sup]th[/sup] "Spectre" in the Badlands, where she had the chance to prove her innate talent and gain more respect and renown. She met her secret significant other after being wounded in a quick ambush, she was quickly transported to a nearby military base hosting a medical company. She was instantly charmed by an eerily optimistic man with a dour sense of humour that sent shivers down her spine while allowing herself to laugh her worries away; it was weird to feel this sort of vulnerability so many years after she finished high school, especially after being trained to let no emotion escape and show no sympathy or empathy. It would seem that the woman had taken control over life once more, proving to herself that she could still make the best out of her life and enjoy what she was doing, even if it wasn't her dream. She knew that military experience would change her outlook on life entirely. [b]Weapons and Equipment[/b]: [list] [*][url=http://www.writeups.org/img/inset/ME2_Locust3D_h.jpg]MP12[/url] - Lightweight submachine gun toting 9mm rounds at a steady rate. Patricia has acquired a snub-nose sound suppressor and has attached a reflex sight on the top rail. [*][url=http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=11107316]M82SF[/url] - 9mm caliber handgun with a low sound profile, a sound suppressor can reduce this firearm's bang to a pop. [*]Standard issue survival knife [*]Advanced ballistic armour sleek enough to fit in a GEAR seat, but offers relatively good protection. ([URL=http://cyberpunk.asia/gallery/Kunkka_-_Mech_Pilot.jpg]reference image[/URL]) [*]Advanced pilot helmet to fit the armour [*]Tactical harness loaded with ammunition for both firearms and four flash bangs. [*]PADD fitted with a reinforced case. It has its own pouch fitted on the tactical harness [/list] [b]Personal Theme[/b]: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9fXn7ebvbE]Jetpacks[/url] [h3]GEAR sheet[/h3] [b]GEAR Name & Serial Number[/b]: ADM-39 "Banshee" [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://www.mechadamashii.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/wbpd_xx_cc1.jpg[/img] Ignore that ridiculous tail-thing. [b]Role[/b]: GEAR interceptor, flanker, anti-infantry [b]Normal Loadout[/b]: [list] [*][url=http://pre11.deviantart.net/e6f6/th/pre/f/2013/238/0/b/weaponcolo_by_lmorse-d6jsada.jpg]M-112 20mm autocannon[/url] - A versatile compact rifle-like weapon with a moderate rate of fire and high accuracy. Patricia's model has a an under-barrel module that can act as an HE grenade launcher/rocket launcher, or take the role of an underslung shotgun. The rifle is loaded with 200 round beta mags, the GEAR carries a maximum of 6 mags. [*]Right shoulder hardpoint - Single tube multi-purpose missile launcher. The "Banshee" can carry a maximum of 6 missiles. [*]Left shoulder hardpoint - "Meteor" three-barreled gatling machinegun firing 7.62x41 mm rounds at 5000 RPM. The GEAR stores 2000 rounds in its shoulder [*]Right hip mount - GEAR scaled machete [/list] [b]Other Systems & Equipment[/b]: [list] [*]The hallmark feature of the ADM-39 are the highly responsive linear frames that follow the pilot's arm and leg movement with high precision. For it to properly respond to the pilot's input, the GEAR has exemplary mobility and flexibility in its articulations, almost to the limit of an Arvaran's anatomical limits. Extensive training with this GEAR model can lead to successfully performing acrobatic maneuvers [*]Intuitive optics and display systems [*]Chest-mounted smoke/chaff/flare launchers [*]180[sup]o[/sup] rotative wheels mounted on both heels and the left "kneecap". The knee mounted wheel allows low-profile movement [*]High-end electronic warfare heuristic countermeasures, radar scrambler and somewhat effective heat sinks to disperse and lower the GEAR's thin hull temperature [*]Extra synthetic musculature and hydraulics in the calf and thigh of the GEAR designed for high power jumps, the current altitude record being 15 meters on an experimental version. Also useful for kicking. [/list] [b]Other notes[/b]: The 39th model from the ADM family was designed with a single purpose in mind: stealth. Rendering an entire GEAR invisible and undetectable may be considered a far-fetched goal, since invisibility technology is still in its very early stages and camouflage can only do so much; instead, the GEAR possesses a much lower sound signature and a sleek frame, sacrificing armor plating for flexibility and a less pronounced shape. The GEAR is nearly undetectable thanks to its hull shape and intelligent scramblers, making the GEAR very suitable for stealth operations under the cover of the night or extreme weather. It can hold on its own thanks to its high mobility and near-instant reaction times, but a well-placed missile can turn the fragile "Banshee" to confetti.