"Behold and be judged; witness the righteous verdict smite this heretic for his blasphemous crimes against the false-emperor!" Announced the heretical commander with a loud and booming voice, holding a stolen holy set of imperial scripture in one hand close to his armored breastplate, whilst motioning towards an old priest sat atop a makeshift throne of rubble and bent steel rods. Overhead, blood-red lighting crackled across the sanguine clouds covering the hellscape. All in front and around the small stage with the heretic commander and priest was the courtyard of an Imperial Guard stronghold, surrounded by high concrete walls and numerous vehicles parked in lines in front of it. In front of them, the 'audience', was a host of captured guardsmen sitting on their knees, with their hands tied behind their backs. Guarding the captured guardsmen was a horde of armored heretics, wearing a combination of ragged, black cloth, scorched carapace armor and unholy, red plate armor carrying the brass seals of Khorne, the chaos god of war and bloodshed. The priest; an old man with white, silver hair named Venicious Curnus, and donned in a set of humble, brown priestly garbs; sat on the makeshift throne next to the khornate commander playing the role of 'holy' judge, jury and executioner. His hands and feet were tied to the throne by spiked chains, restricting his movement. His clothes were soaked and wet from the gasoline that had been poured all over him, and placed atop of Venicious's head was a laurel made out of barbed wire, cutting into the old man's skull and sending trickles of blood running down all around his face. "For the crime of spreading false hope of victory against the ruinous powers, I hereby, with the chaos gods as my witness; condemn you to death in the name of the false-emperor!" The heretic commander reached towards his pocket, to produce a small, silver-tinted lighter. Venicious's eyes had remained closed for the entire charade, only to now be opened as the old priest looked around him and at the audience of captured guardsmen in front of him, all at the mercy of heretic autoguns. When he saw the grim, terrified, fearful or angry faces of the guardsmen; Venicious would simply smile. "Do not mourn the passing of a servant of the emperor." Venicious would speak with a calm and seemingly unaffected voice, even though some of the muscles on his face contorted as he secretly fought the pain. "To give my life in his name was the greatest wish I could ever ask for. Because of that, I die happy." Venicious would continue to smile, his eyes centering on a female and white haired guardsman kneeling in the first row of prisoners. When Adrianne noticed the attention centered on her, she would blink as she looked back up at Venicious, lightly shaking her head, but she would not say a word... The heretical commander would step closer to the throne with Venicious on top of it. Holding up his right hand with the lighter, he'd flick it on, producing a small flame. Holding up Venicious's old scripture book in his other hand, he would hold the texts over the lighter until the old parchment would catch fire and started burning. "May your misguided ideals burn alongside you! May these unholy flames purge your moral corruption!" The khornate commander spoke, barely able to contain a large smile, before he threw the holy scriptures into Venicious's lap. The flames already engulfing the book would immediately spread to the flammable gasoline spread all over the old priest, and within the blink of an eye, the entire old man alongside the makeshift throne he sat on would be engulfed in a pyre of ravenous flame! "All glory to the false emperor!" The khornate commander would announce, turning to the spectating crowd with a large grin on his twisted face. A series of laughter and shouts would erupt from the ranks of khornate heretics attending the execution, some of them firing their guns into the air whilst others mocked the priest as he burnt to death. Adrianne, surrounded by guardsmen both horrified and infuriated, would continue to focus solely on Venicious as the fires burnt around him. Through the flames, she could make out the old man's face. His old smile was still on him, before his face twisted into a tortured grimace as the pain became too overwhelming to bear, and the man cried out in pain as he burned to death on the makeshift throne, his cries drowned out by the laughter and cheer of the celebrating heretics in the courtyard! * " ... I have made Apple Pie." "Wha, whooo?" Adrianne awoke from her dream, staring around her in confusion for a moment, before looking up to see the sister of battle, now standing in front of her, clad in full power armor whilst extending a plate of apple pie. Adrianne's violet eyes would flicker back and forth between the apple pie and Aviza, as the psyker tried to make sense of things. What she did know however, was that the pie smelled [u][b]delicious[/b][/u]! "Oh, thanks!" Adrianne was quick to accept the apple pie with a smile, though at the same time confused by the suddenly very generous gesture from the sister of battle. At the sister's request, she would also be quick to move her feet out of the way, making room for Aviza in the couch. As the sister of battle sat down next to her, she would already take the first bite of the apple pie. And it tasted every bit as good as it had smelled! [i]"I never thought the sisters could actually cook anything but people!"[/i] "As for the brothel that is engulfed in flames, I personally would like to see this cleansing fire burn away impurity with my own eyes, take that as you will." Adrianne's chewing slowed down a bit, as she glanced over at Aviza who was sitting next to her, before slowly nodding and continued eating. "Each to their own, I guess... " Adrianne would mutter. An awkward pause would ensue between them, as if Adrianne wasn't sure what to say to the sister of battle who had just gone from a baking mother figure to psychotic pyromaniac in a single moment! Eventually however, Adrianne would gulp down the last bit of pie on her plate to look over at Aviza. "My name is Adrianne, I don't think we ever actually got introduced to each other."