[quote=@KoL] As soon as the trouble in front of the auditorium was solved and everyone had departed, Addie followed Rei and Sayaka to whoever room they wished to pick and immediately jumped into the bathroom to take the paint off of herself. Only then, she started to notice Sayak's unusual behavior when she talked about Rei and how she tried to touch the blue haired assassin all the time, which Addie found strange [color=9966cc]"What are you doing, Sayaka-san? Why are you trying to ask Rei to help you with your bandages? If you don't mind I could do that too"[/color] the small white haired girl said, as she got out of the shower drapped in a towel [color=9966cc]"I even have a first-aid, see?"[/color] Addie said as she produced said kit from within her bag, while she was looking for a fresh change of clothes. After that, she changed into a black tank top, under lousy light purple shirt, matching denim shorts worn over black leggings and a pair of old school Converse sneakers and sat at her bed, waiting for Rei and Sayaka, swinging her feet idly like a grade schooler. It was then that the announcement about the early lunch sounded and made Addie look around a bit confused [color=9966cc]"Uh? What do we do now, Rei and Sayaka-san?"[/color] she asked [color=9966cc]"Could that be another event like the auditorium? Do you think more people will get hurt?"[/color] Addie fell silent as she waited her roommates' answers. Meanwhile... Midori haven't even reached her room when the announcement rang throught the PA system, but didn't cared that much for that unexpected change too [color=lime][i]"Well, at least I'll be free of that Shark-girl while I have lunch..."[/i][/color] she thought as she made a turn to the the school's cafeteria while still carrying her belongings with her. Not that she had much more than her sword bag, to begin with... A little further away from there... Kaede got into her room to find out that only Izumi was there [color=firebrick]"Hi"[/color] she said as a quick greeting to her namesake, while trying to hide her slightly flushed face using her scarf. Once she had set all her things properly, Kaede said [color=firebrick]"Where's Donna? I thought that she would be here already."[/color] But, before she could continue the conversation, the announcement about lunch rang and Kaede got up from her bed and went to the bathroom so that she could change into [url=http://static.zerochan.net/Sudou.Yoriko.full.1910417.jpg]something[/url] more appropriate for her next task. Once she was done, Kaede picked her scarf and placed it around her neck, becoming the very image of a ninja maid, one of the most advanced levels of training that a female assassin can attain, before heading out to the cafeteria. [color=firebrick]"I'll be going forward... if Donna comes back, tell her to not mess with my things, please."[/color] Kaede said to Izumi just as she exited their room. [hr] [@TheWindel][@Spriggs27] [/quote] Sayaka noticed Addie leaving the shower asking her questions as she put on new clothes, she didn't bother staring at Addie since she didn't really have much to stare at and answered the innocent white haired girl's question." [color=0076a3]Oh, I was just talking about Rei's sister, Saya, I was mentioning how beautiful she looks and how her piercing red eyes look when she glares at people and the stare she gave me and everyone else earlier it almost made me..Just..Sploosh really, if only she got into a bikini and glared at us I would literally have a puddle under me, and I would need to change my bandages then.[/color]" Sayaka spoke about Rei's sister with lustful intent in her voice. The moment Addie asked if she could help with Sayaka's bandages, the mummy girl went quiet for a moment. "[color=0076a3][i]Damn I only wish Saya-sama would have asked if she could help fix my bandages, why did the a-cup have to ask ?[/i][/color]" When Sayaka snapped back to reality she looked Addie in the eye, put both her bandaged hands on to the flat girl's shoulders and told her." [color=0076a3]No, your still a kid and need to grow a little more before I let you do that, so go play on the slide and on the swings at a park, also I don't want to feel like a pedophile.[/color]" Sayaka explained to the girl while putting the kit away. When the announcement happened for an early lunch Sayaka yawned, then that's when Addie asked what they were gonna do, then before Sayaka could speak Addie spoke again saying that someone could get hurt like in the auditorium."[color=0076a3] Adds, we can do whatever for the moment, but I will say we don't go looking for trouble, and to put out every fire we see, we should let them snuff themselves out, it's best not to get into someone else's business most of the time.[/color]" Sayaka told her before heading for the door." [color=0076a3]Well Rei I feel as if you can handle anything that comes your way. Right now I got a bit of a fever and the only prescription for it is Saya Momoko, I'll catch up with you guys later.[/color]" Sayaka told the two before leaving to embark on a possible suicide mission of perverse pleasure. --------- Izumi didn't pay Kaede any attention, as she entered the bathroom and greeted her, she was focused on the video in front of her, but as the video ended, Izumi pressed a button on her bracelet, and turned around to see Kaede exit the bathroom wearing a maid's outfit, Izumi just stared at Kaede as she left the room, she wasn't going to do as she asked, she just watched Kaede leave then left out of the room and began heading to the Security room to see if Saya needed her.