-Full Name: Raina Matthews -Age: 75 -Gender: Female -Rebirth: Yes -Rank / Assignment: Sergent -Call-sign: Sky Hawk -Personality: Raina is very straight-forward and you never have to guess what she's thinking. She mostly likes keeping to herself but when she's in the mood, she can be quite sociable and funny. Most people like her. It is almost impossible for her to hold a grudge and she is fiercely loyal. She is extremely smart and she knows it but she tries very hard not to be arrogant about it. Her Sassy, stubborn, sarcastic personality has gotten her into trouble more times then she cares to remember but somehow she always managed to get out of trouble before anything serious happened. Despite her happy outward appearance, she has been hurt many times in her life and she guards her heart very closely. It is not a easy task to gain her trust and only a select few can gain it. She has always listened to her instincts, and they normally turn out to be right. She has a kind heart and likes to help others out whenever she can. She views the rules as sometimes breakable depending on 3 things. 1: who she's with 2: what rules of her own does it conflict with and 3: what are the consequences. She has her own set of rules that she lives by. A code if you will. Many times, this "code" of hers has gotten her into heaps of trouble and has almost gotten her demoted. She's never really been very girly and has always seemed to not fit in with other girls. Give her a punching bag and she'll be happy. Occasionally, when she's interested in someone she well completely transform and try to act like a girl. Most of the time, she is kinda quiet and follows orders but if she sees a problem with what her commander has told her to do she is not afraid to speak up. Raina will always fight for what she believes in and to her, surrender is NOT an option. Because of her stubbornness and her simple refusal to give up and die, she wins most battles she's in. -History: Raina was born and raised on Tenish and had a very happy childhood. Her father was a wealthy man and they didn't have as hard of struggles as most did. She grew up with four older and younger brothers and they all entertained each other. They would often disappear into the woods for hours causing their mother to worry. Everything was as good as it could be during the war... Until one day her entire world shattered. Because of her family's wealth their home was one of the targets of a U.K.D attack when she was 14. Her home was destroyed by missiles and fire, her parents dead, and only one of her brothers survived. They became even closer then they were before and their bond is unbreakable. That was the day that she vowed to help destroy the U.K.D. When she was old enough she joined the army and was after years and years of hard training she was asked to join the "rebirth" project. She accepted. She has fought in many battles but one note-worthy one was when the U.K D had tried to overtake Hanorat. they had planted a bomb in the capital city of Hanorat in an attempt to cause wide-spread panic. Raina had been first on the scene along with her best friend. After diss-arming the bomb, Raina was able to save Hanorat's capital city but not her friend, who had been shot while watching Raina's back. To this day she still feels as though it was her fault. After that, battle though, her determination only became stronger and she started to rise through the ranks. She soon discovered she was a good mechanic and became a engineer for some time helping repair the damaged ships but her calling had always been to be in the heart of the battle. She decided that she was going to use her skills to her advantage and built a Starhound Class Viper from scratch and her claim to fame is that it is one of the fastest in the fleet. She was taken prisoner at some point but she escaped. She had actually managed to gain information instead of give information. She had discovered that people loved to tell you that you were wrong and she used it to her advantage. -Skills: Advanced hand-to-hand combat, pilot, excellent mechanic, advanced sniper, bomb making/disarming. -Weakness: She is way to relaxed when it comes to the rules and regulations. She also is loyal to her brother before anyone else and if she has to choose between helping him or the R.A.S she will always choose Eli. -Romantic Relationship: She's had a few flings. One serious relationship but that ended badly. At the moment she isn't really looking but she's open to a relationship. -Other: She always has on a small moonstone pendant that her mother gave to her as a baby. It supposedly had been in her family for generations. She also has a Starhound class viper which she has named Falcon. Her and her brother Eli have the same tattoo on their right shoulder (see Eli's sign-up for a pic) she also nick-named her brother "Scruffy" -Appearance: Raina stands at about 5''9 and has a fit, figure with slight curves. She has lightly tanned skin and thick, long, curly dark brown hair as well as brilliant cobalt blue eyes. Most of the time she either wears her uniform or if she's just messing around with her viper she'll wear a tank-top and some jeans. Her hair is usually in a pony-tail. -Picture: [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2woez3o.jpg[/IMG]