Name: Megas [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] First Appearance: [url=]Megas XLR- Pilot[/url] Pilot: [url=]Harold "Coop" Cooplowski[/url] Co-pilots: [url=]Jamie[/url] and [url=]Kiva Andru[/url] Sex: Male Size: Approx. 120 ft [hider=Powers/Abilities] [b]Video Game Coordination:[/b] Since Megas' control cabin was blown up before being sent backwards through time, Coop modified its functions and routines and linked them to video game controllers and his car's dashboard. Combined with his gaming expertise, Coop has total control over a large span of techniques and weaponry in a way that's quickly accessible. Also, despite the car not being fit for it, Megas also has motion controls which probably came from its original head, since motion controls were still in their primitive stages with Coop's new design. [b]Strength and Durability:[/b] Megas is incredibly strong, able to lift 50 tons and above. It can knock over skyscrapers and can fight and overpower numerous opponents at the same time. It has taken hits from the various opponents it has fought over the years, but rarely shows outward signs of damage. It can even withstand slamming into a planet from outer space. [b]Flight:[/b] It has jet boosters for supersonic flight in atmosphere and for operation in space. It can also travel across intergalactic distances to other planets. [b]Weapons:[/b] Megas is equipped with many weapons, primarily gatling guns, laser guns, missiles, and rocket launchers all over its body. It also has buzzsaws, powerful flamethrowers and various destructive weapons inside it. -Pixelizer Gun: Fires pixelated "laser" blasts that travel slowly, but punch jagged holes through even tank armor. -The Jammer: A stage with giant sonic speakers protrude from the robot's torso. When Coop speaks into the microphone (or plays music through it), the speakers emit sonic waves powerful enough to destroy an entire space station. Causes enough power drain to shut down Megas' central reactor until Coop fixes it. -That Cool Giant Energy Sword Thing: Megas can form a fiery orange sword to use to slash opponents. -Phoenix Fire: Megas has the ability to incinerate a large area around it with a giant fire that takes the form of a phoenix around it. -EMP Torpedo: Used for emitting an electromagnetic pulse, until Coop tweaked it into a refrigerator. -Flame Hands: Megas can coat its hands in flames. -Nuke Button: There is a big red button that launches a nuclear warhead. It was never used. -Super-Destructor Mode: It covers itself with mighty rocket launchers and its arms and chest protrude giant guns. Has a faulty targeting system. -Freeze Gun: This protrudes from Megas' chest and it can encase its target in ice. -Master Blaster: Megas deploys giant laser guns on its arms, legs, and from its back. Not as powerful as SDM, but a bit more likely to hit. -Nitrous: This allows Megas to move at hyperspeed, allowing him to destroy many foes at once. Turning is not likely to go well. -Energy Shield: Megas can put up a shield on its arm to defend itself from attacks. -Maser Refractor: Hits a foe with a volatile charge of maser protons and forms an impenetrable shield around its target which can absorb energy blasts and send them back at the attacker. It was accidentally modified by Coop, and shuts down if Megas fires its own energy weapons. -Time Drive: Megas has a time drive that creates large portals for travel through time. Since Coop destroyed its control unit, Kiva has been trying to fix it for as long as she's been on Earth. -Sensor Systems: It has very advanced sensors that are usually operated by Kiva in the back seat. It can detect people, objects, and energy signatures of interest from across space. It has navigation sensors and biological scanners. [/hider] [hider=Weaknesses] [b]Pilot:[/b] Coop is hotheaded, inexperienced, and honestly pretty dumb. He can pilot Megas adequately, but has no tactical sense and often triggers the wrong functions at the wrong time. [b]Gotta Find First Gear:[/b] Megas' custom control scheme is impossible to figure out. Like, literally impossible. It shouldn't even start up, but it does. Naturally, this leads to some mistakes during battle. [b]Custom Job:[/b] Megas has been reworked so extensively that most of its original features are unrecognizable. It also has a tendency for parts to fail under stress. Being piloted by Coop counts as "stress" by itself. [b]Walking Disaster Area:[/b] Megas has massive destructive potential, and a lot of it ends up hitting everything [i]but[/i] the target. Some places would be better off weathering a kaiju attack than being rescued by Megas. Especially if they're owned by PoP TV.[/hider] [hider=Biography]Codenamed the "Avatar", Megas was originally a prototype assault mech built by the Glorft as the coup de grace to the human race. However, the Earth Coalition captured it and Kiva spent two years modifying it into a human-use mech as the last hope for the Coalition and mankind against the Glorft. Kiva installed a Time Drive Unit, hoping to send Megas back in time to the Battle of the Last Stand, humanity's last failed major offensive against the Glorft, and change the outcome of the war forever. During the Glorft siege of the Earth Coaliton Lunar base, under direct orders from Warmaster Gorrath, Kiva prepared to send the MEGAS back in time... back to the Battle of the Last Stand. However, the Glorft mech corps attacked and destroyed the defenders and MEGAS' head was blown off when Kiva tried to transfer to MEGAS from her mech. The MEGAS was then thrown to the time warp and landed on the New Jersey junkyard in the 1930s, malfunctioned and remained deactivated throughout the years, until in 2004, Coop found, repaired and customized it, becoming the XLR (eXtra Large Robot) of today.[/hider] Faction: Earth Defender ([s]Unofficial[/s] [i]Extremely[/i] Unofficial) Wins: 0 Losses: 0 Misc: [url=]Theme Music[/url] [url=]Power-Up Theme[/url] [url=]Source[/url] for Powers and Biography sections