[center][h2]Noboru Yamamoto-Hospital Parking Lot-4/5/2015[/h2][/center] Noboru walked out the doors, still upset about the exchange back in the hospital room. His mind was lost in thought, when he felt a huge thud and a cold sensation on his chest. He had apparently knocked someone over while still in thought. Oops. [i]Fuck,[/i] he thought, [i]guess I need to dry this shirt out now when I get home[/i]. On the ground, was what seemed to be the perpetrator of assaulting him with the water. Noboru stuck out his arm, grabbing the unknown kid's forearm, flexing his arm and pulling the grounded student back up. Before speaking, Noboru unbuttoned his shirt, having to make the effort to pull it from his chest, where it had stuck. The cold water made it all the more annoying to pull off, but he finally managed to slip it off his arms, only his undershirt remaining now. When he was done, he spoke to the splash master. [color=navy]"Hey, did any of the water splash you? If so, use any dry spots you can find on my shirt to wipe yourself off. You got it wet, might as well use it to its full potential right now. If not, I have an extra towel in my bag if you'd prefer to use that instead. Might be a bit more... clean. Yeah, that sounds better. Here."[/color] Noboru reached into his bag, grabbing the dark green hand towel. He pulled it out, the towel's length reaching along his arm. The towel was thrust towards the mystery student. [color=navy]"Here. Go ahead and use it if you want."[/color]