[@rusty4297][@Axel][@Kurisa][@AbigailTenshi][@Kitsune] [h2]Sui Sanada[/h2] Sui listened not really needing to speak beside that she was holding Mr Sits, yet after Sai spoke she shook her head. [color=0072bc]"A pecking order is indeed needed, while its a kind idea to place us on equal grounds. That kindness won't work when it comes down to it, we can't wait for everyone to agree to one simple plan therefore its easier to have someone giving them out. Also to be fair while Kagiko may not look to be stronger than others, its his intelligence that makes him more fit for the job."[/color] Sui said before holding Mr Sits up to Kagiko. [color=0072bc]"Also this little guy was wondering when you were coming over for our annual lazy da-"[/color] Sui stopped and looked at the others. [color=0072bc]"Planning of different strategies day.... yep."[/color] she said before a man spoke up to which she shrugged. [color=0072bc]"Fine by me Shin and no need to explain it. If anything its better that way in case they are watching and listening."[/color] She spoke to him before Koyoshi spoke up about wanting her captain as head cap, that was loyalty for you. She did have a good idea though, so Sui walked over to her and took off her Haori coat she had custom made it would be enough to keep her covered. She had one of those sleeveless uniform on so wasn't like she had nothing on. [color=0072bc]"Not a bad idea there. Shin take some of the squad nine members and go clear out some hollow, Akuseru you are on with me in finding a temporary base."[/color] Sui stated while Mr sits meowed on the ground.