-Full Name: Hunter Monroe (No relation to Rin Lee Monroe) -Age: 25 -Gender: Male -Rebirth: Yes -Rank / Assignment: Sergeant -Call-sign: Zombie -Personality: In basics, Hunter is a caring sarcastic smart ass. He will stand up for his friends in most cases, even if that means he himself gets hurt along the way. -History: Hunter grew up with a military family, Most of his family has seen combat in some way shape or form, So naturally when he was old enough he signed up. Though he knew from the point of joining that he was entering a long and hard war, much of his family who had joined before him were either missing or dead. After serving for a short time he has only seen combat two times, though on the second time he lost one of his legs to a grenade. He then was forced to tie off the remains of his leg and hold tight well he waited foe anyone friendly. He passed out on the second day only to wake up in a hospital. When word got out about the rebirth program he joined ASAP. He wanted to make a difference in the war, and still be able to go back home to what had remained of his family. This would also give him a chance to be able to walk again. -Skills: -Electrical Engineering -Mechanical Engineering -Close quarters combat -Navigation/Tracking -Weakness: -He tends to let his emotions take priority of a situation. -He's stubborn at times -Likes to take risky moves -Romantic Relationship: Single -Other: Hunter is always ready for a fight, he sees it as his family legend to fight his absolute hardest in any conflict no matter what. He also likes to keep good luck charms with him, they tend to vary. -Appearance: Hunter is 5'11" -Picture: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/64/86/24/64862478b53f292477a3521b033174fd.jpg[/img]