Sky had frowned when Krista explained that even though the wolf had bitten them, there were no visible wounds. It was odd, to say the very least. She was about to reply, then a vaguely familiar young man entered the cafe. He seemed tense.......almost concerned about something. When he approached the table they sat at Sky recognized him as one of the kids from the camp. It was then that he stated he needed to talk with Krista and Cassie......alone. Shoulders scrunching up Sky saw the untrusting look on his face. He had cast it towards her ever so slightly, but she caught it. She was an outsider to their little group......and she assumed that what happened the night before, was something some of them didn't wish to share with outsiders. Looking down at her coffee cup Sky bit her lip, and inhaling slightly shook her head. Krista had assured the boy that she could stay, but she didn't want to intrude on their matters any more than they were comfortable with. The wolf attack was frightening and confusing. It was only polite to respect their wishes to keep things under wraps. Clenching one fist Sky cleared her throat, "I'm alright Krista......But I should really get back to my shift." It was a quick lie to excuse herself. The clinic was quiet today and she hadn't received a warning text from the other staff for her assistance. She'd probably go back and check up on some of the patients......maybe take a few for a walk. Tilting her head Sky nodded her thank you to Krista and Cassie, "I hope you guys figure out what happened.......thank you for the chat." She then attempted to slide out of the cafe seat and head for the door.