[hider=Godzilla] [b]Name:[/b] Godzilla [img]http://i1244.photobucket.com/albums/gg569/Lmpkio/Screen%20shot%202015-07-23%20at%207.26.27%20PM_zpsujbswkx0.png[/img] [b]First Appearance:[/b] [i]Godzilla (1954)[/i]; Current design based off [i]Godzilla (2014)[/i] [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Size:[/b] Varies; Current [i](2014)[/i] incarnation is 108 meters (or 354 feet) tall [i](Note: Can be susceptible to be downsized compared to the opponent he faces. Can be downsized down to 50 meters, the height of the original Godzilla. Please notify me of what size he should be when fighting him.)[/i] [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] Godzilla has various powers over the corse of his series including: [list] [*] [b]Super Strength[/b] - Godzilla is known to lift and throw kaiju excessing his own weight, including buildings. [*] [b]Atomic Breath[/b] - Godzilla's signature attack is his distinctive blue atomic breath. Though with increased power, he can unleash a powerful reddish-orange breath called the [b]Spiral Ray[/b], which is able to cause massive amounts of damage to any foe (2x - 3x more powerful then the regular beam) [*] [b]Nuclear Pulse[/b] - Godzilla emits atomic energy in all directions from every inch of his body in a short-range pulse. [*] [b]Regeneration Powers[/b] - Godzilla possesses an extremely advanced and highly efficient regenerative ability. His regenerative abilities may have something to do with his radioactive properties, and Regenerator G-1 ("Organizer G-1" in the Japanese version) is the name given to a substance in his cells that is responsible for Godzilla's swift healing. [i](Note: This is heavily the reason why Godzilla is considered OP. In my response, while he can regenerate from minor wounds almost instantly, heavier attacks can injure him and take much more time for him to regenerate, up to several minutes or hours at a time, depending on the attack.)[/i] [*] [b]Amphibious Nature:[/b] Godzilla can spend long periods of time submerged in water without going to the surface to breath, mostly due to the fact that he has a pair of gills running down the side of his neck. He is also a highly adapted swimmer. [/list] [b]Weakness:[/b] Despite his incredible strength, Godzilla has displayed a few weaknesses over the years. He has been shown to be vulnerable to cadmium. However, the only weapon that has been known to actually kill Godzilla was Dr. Serizawa's Oxygen Destroyer which disintegrated the first King of the Monsters down to the bone, and then into nothing. The technology for this weapon was lost forever when Serizawa killed himself along with the original Godzilla, in order to keep it from being used ever again. It's also been recently noted that his gills on the side of his head are a potential weakness. [b]Personality:[/b] Contrary to popular belief of being a cold-blooded killer, Godzilla has been depicted to be a thinking animal and also relies on his animalistic cunning and instinct. Through repeated clashes through foes, he can eventually figure out his opponent's weak spots and use them to his advantage. [b]Biography:[/b] There are many variations and stories that represent Godzilla's history, but the most popular of these was that he used to be a dinosaur, a Godzillasaurus that survived the extinction 65 million years ago and lived on Lagos Island. When the nuclear bomb struct the island, he would transform into the almighty King of the Monsters we know today, invading Japan for the first time in 1954. It was there that he was killed by the Oxygen Destroyer, created by Dr. Serizawa, which ultimately disintegrated Godzilla into nothingness. But his legacy would live on by another Godzilla, which battled various kaiju and mechs and even saved Earth on more then a couple occasions. For the 2014 version, the story has been changed somewhat. While still clarifying him as 'an amphibious reptile' that lived on Earth long ago when the radiation was 10x greater then today, many speculate that his species evolved as far back as the Permian Period. In 1954, he surfaced on the island of Bikini Atoll, only to be met by the military's nuclear bomb and exploding right in front of his face. The attempt on killing Godzilla had failed, only for him to resurface in 2014 in Hawaii to battle the vicious MUTOS, which eventually lead to their final showdown in San Fransisco, leading Godzilla to be victorious and head back into the ocean and rest once again... [b]Faction:[/b] Earth Defender [b]Wins:[/b] 0 [b]Losses:[/b] 0 [hider=Theme] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg9Jd3wfLqI[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Sound Effects] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZxrx340vWQ[/youtube] [/hider] [/hider]