I would like to join this Roleplay ^^ Sounds sweet! Appearance: [hider=Looks] [img]https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5090/5289632056_c52247f426.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Jessica Williams but prefers Jay Age: 22 Occupation before the tragedy: Had just started working as a soccer coach for a team of 15 year old girls Weapons: She now wears this sword across her back pretty much at all times [hider=Her Sword] [img]http://www.trueswords.com/images/prod/41-1-2-FANTASY-SWORD-BLK-HARD-WOOD-SCABBARD-A43-TQ3026.jpg[/img] [/hider] Short Bio: Jay was always a tomboy and was told she would grow out of that stage yet she never did. She grew up in love with the sport soccer but always was better at the technical parts of it so she decided to become a coach rather than to try to continue playing. Other: - Is claustrophobic - She likes to draw alot - Her first thoughts when the mutants came were "Your nuclear weapons don't scare me!" - She is a very kind an caring person