[i][b][center][h1]EPIC BATTLE FANTASY[/h1] [H2][color=00a651]GREN ORCHID[/color] VS COBALT CHIDETA[/H2] [H3]A Lucius Cypher & Floodtalon Collaboration[/H3][/center][/b][/i] Cobalt stepped into the arena with a nervous look on his face. He had just seen Gren, his opponent, and was immediately worried. He was as big as him and his weapon even bigger and he just looked like a scary person in general. He shook his head and steeled his nerves though, while fear was good there was no place for it on the battlefield. "Let's get this over with I suppose." Cobalt muttered to himself under his breath. He cracked his neck and breathed deeply. It was time to battle. Gren arrived with cowslips in his hand, and the God Eater in the other. Raising the flowers towards Cobalt he tossed them into the air. [color=00a651]"TO BATTLE!"[/color] Before the flowers fell Gren used his semblance to slick the ground, allowing him to push and slide himself towards Cobalt. This allowed Gren to cover more distance as he held the God Eater in it's Terror for right in front of him, set to impale Cobalt if he doesn't move. But if he waits for Gren to get close, standing his ground wouldn't be an option as the floor underneath Cobalt would also grow slick, making it almost impossible for the human to keep his footing. Ryan observed Gren with a keen eye and a calm mind. While most would be panicking as they were faced with a charging monster such as Gren, Cobalt knew that panicking would just cause a sure and quick defeat. He activated his Semblance and the world went into slow motion. Upon observation of Gren one would notice that he was sliding towards Cobalt. A lesser mind would disregard this piece of information but Cobalt was no lesser mind. Cobalt unholstered his weapon and aimed at Gren with marksman precision. He fired at him in an attempt to get him to jump or at least move away from himself for a moment. As he fired at Gren he also moved backwards to create distance between them. He did not want to fight close range at the moment. Cobalt noticed the flowers falling to the ground and noted their presence. Nothing done in battle was unimportant. They were also quite pretty. Gren tanked the shots, though it did slow his slide. He's more used to people using rifle or handgun rounds on him. The tank shells he was getting pelted by actually hurt. Fortunately for Gren he at least had the God Eater to help shield him, but he still continued to close the distance, kicking his feet against the ground to build more speed. Knowing that sustained fire would eventually stop him Gren did try to actively dodge the best he can, but still he moved forward, sliding left and right at no dicernable pattern to close the distance as fast as he can. Cobalt activated his Semblance once more and he analyzed the situation. Gren was beginning to slow down, but not for long. He realized this strategy was no longer viable so he did decided to try something new. After deactivating his Semblance Cobalt rushed at Gren to go into a close range assault. It was then that he realized how Gren was sliding across the floor. Cobalt slid right past Gren and struggled to keep his balance on the slippery floor. He looked at the floor and saw no evidence of oil or slippery substances which mean one of two things. One he was releasing some sort of fast drying oil which only worked for a few seconds at most. This was stupid so he disregarded that. The more likely possibility was that he was using his Semblance to affect the ground around him. "No. The ground is the same. You're altering the friction of the ground! You've made it as if I'm running on ice!" Cobalt declared loudly. He smiled because he now had the advantage. Cobalt knew what Gren's Semblance was but he had no idea of his. Cobalt scraped his foot on the floor to test if it was slippery. It was not and he felt normal friction. He was in a tight spot now though. He was going to have to play long distance with him. Going in close would make it impossible for him to fight. Cobalt aimed his gun and fired once more. He was just going to have to stall until Gren changed his strategy. Gren swiped at Cobalt as he rushed passed, but failed to do any meaningful harm. The two found themselves on the oppisite side of the arena again, with Cobalt loudly announcing what his semblance was. Gren just smirked. While knowing his Semblance would give Cobalt the advantage of being able to work around it, he only knew one aspect of Gren's semblace. Though he better take him out fast before he learns too much. Gren blocked the shots fired from Cobalt and switched The God Eater into it's Destoryer Form. It seemed like Cobalt wanted to fight at a distance and Gren could oblidge. However he had a few more tricks up his sleeve. Aiming behind him, Gren fired the God Eater, using the insane recoil to propel him even faster then before, still trying to get into melee range of Cobalt. However, Gren didn't need to actually hit him: As soon as Cobalt got within at least ten feet of Gren, he'd suddenly stop and put his Friction Semblance in reverse: Rooting Cobalt. Gren just needed to get close enough to him, using the recoil from The God Eater to cover much more distance then before. And if he missed, then he'd aim the God Eater to rain bullets on Cobalt. Cobalt activated his Semblance and watched Gren go in slow motion towards him. This was a strange situation, he wanted to go long range as evidenced by his minigun, but he was attempting to close in on Cobalt. Something wasn't right. He then had a thought. Too little friction caused everything to become slippery but what would too much friction do? Cobalt didn't want to find out the answer. Gren was almost there, he needed to act quickly. Cobalt jumped into the air and fired behind him. The recoil from the powerful shots propelled him forwards over Gren's head and he looked down. He aimed his gun slightly downwards and pulled the trigger once more, hopefully directly into Gren's head. If not he was still going forwards and away from Gren so that was a plus. Cobalt acted fast, faster then his size would imply. Just as Gren zoomed passed he had jumped into the air and used the recoil of his own weapon to put distance between him and Gren. Fortunately Gren went fast enough that the shot fired from Cobalt missed, and Gren was still in possition to pepper Cobalt as he flew threw the air. The God Eater never stopped firing; never showed signs of ever running out of ammo. It just kept going and going and going. Still, it was obvious that Cobalt didn't have any intentions of letting Gren get close. It was a smart move, even if Gren could match him in firepower. Cobalt was able to react fast in a close melee as well, as shown from him being able to avoid Gren's charges. [color=00a651]"Time to change the game."[/color] Instead of aiming at Cobalt, Gren took to the air. He fired The God eater towards the ground and let it's sheer recoil propell him upwards. Just one jump, and without his weight keeping the God Eater for going out of control, Gren was on the wall far away from Cobalt. He still had effective range on The God Eater from here, so Gren began to use his Semblance to allow him to run across the wall, shooting the God Eater at Cobalt all the while. It's Dakka was endless. "I see." Cobalt began dodging bullets left and right as he witnessed Gren stick to the wall with his Semblance. The Dakka truly was endless. He needed to figure out some sort of way to stop the God Eater or it would consume him in a hailfire of lead. He got clipped by a few bullets and grunted in pain lightly. Things were not going well. Cobalt ran towards Gren and activated his Semblance. Time slowed down as he dodged bullets and plotted out the ideal path to safety. A bullet headed for his head, he ducked it. More bullets targeted his arms, he deflected them with the 27 Smasher. Finally he had reached the very center if the arena. He set a general area for himself in his mind and deactivated his Semblance. Cobalt began dodging blullets from his position in the center of the arena and began returning fire. At first he aimed at where Gren was but after getting clipped a few times he switched it up and lead his shots to where Gren would be. Cobalt glanced at his aura meter on his arm, he was in the yellow. If he took too many more hits he would lose. The range on Cobalt weapon ensured that Gren couldn't simply try to outgun him from afar. But what Cobalt lacked was mobility. When Gren noticed that Cobalt was starting to lead him on, that's when Gren used the God Eater to position him else where, such as onto the ceiling. Gren was careful to cover his tracks and keep Cobalt on his toes: Whenever he was going to move to a new position, Gren stopped firing the God Eater to fire his rockets instead. And not the usual imapct ones, but the time-detonation ones. A few exploded upon impact because their timer was roughly around the same time they would hit the ground, but a few others lingered on for a few seconds longer. Some longer then even that. it was to keep Cobalt careful, since Gren fired at least four at a time. Gren moved to a new position on the ceiling, firing directly below to Cobalt. He just needed to position himself in such a way where he could literally get the drop on him. Maybe just make the ceiling collapse over Cobalt. Gren would have to be fast: He was too careless and took a few direct hits. He was a little over half, but that was just from two clean shots. If he let two or three more hit him dead on, it might just take Gren out. Gren knew that just using his legs weren't going to be fast enough. Cobalt wasn't that foolish: He was smart enough to lead a target and even if Gren used his Semblace to slide across the ceiling, his path was limited to his momentum. So it was time to bust out the secret weapon. In order to obtain greater mobility to dodge Cobalt's attacks, various slots on his armor opened up.These armor released an invisible gas at first, before flaring out revealing what they were: Rocket Thrusters. Now zipping accross the ceiling like some sort of fly, Gren was able to move much faster then before, and he didn't even need to use the God Eater to move him. He could turn on a dime and even move backwards without a pause. And he'd need to as well, since he didn't want Cobalt to intercept him with a tank round. If Gren could just hold out for a bit longer, he could drown his opponet in dakka. Cobalt saw victory in sight. He had to stay cautious and play smart. At the moment Gren had little mobility and he was probably two or three hits from a loss. He stayed away from the rockets and when he saw one didn't detonate he would actually take the risk of batting it away with the blunt side of the 27 Smasher. He actually stopped that after one nearly detonated after he hit it too hard. 'I need to stay cautious. The fight is nearing its end.' Gren moved to the ceiling and Cobalt frowned. He was planning something. Then the Rocket Thrusters came out. "Oh come on! First rockets and now this! This is complete-" Cobalt was interrupted by a stray rocket detonating near him. Gren just lost his only disadvantage, which was lack of mobility. Cobalt could probably take one more direct hit and he would be out. He needed to figure out a way to eliminate the advantage that Gren had suddenly gained. The only way he could currently think of was just destroying the battlefield as much as possible. Cobalt activated his Semblance and time slowed to a near halt. There was a rocket heading directly towards him. He had noticed these rockets were actually time based instead of impact, so he was going to have to try something crazy. Cobalt jumped into the air heading directly towards the rocket. He brought the 27 Smasher to his shoulder like he as a baseball player and swung. He hit the rocket perfectly and it headed right back to Gren. It probably wasn't even going to hit him, but it would accomplish its goal. It was going to blow a hole right into the ceiling. He was going to systematically destroy the entire ceiling if he had to, Cobalt was going to destroy Gren's battlefield. Gren could only laugh as Cobalt tried to bat his rockets back at him. He knew the timer on most, and most exploded before they got close to him. Still a bit dangerous, but nothing he worried about. Once he became obvious that this was going to be Cobalt's stratedgy Gren opted to stop firing the rockets. Around this time, most of the rockets detonated, causing a cacphonous explosion that was big enough to cause some structural damage to the ceiling. However Gren knew Cobalt would need to concentrate all his firepower into collapsing this place: It was built for much stronger things then him. Gren doubt that even he could collpase the ceiling if he focused all his fire power on it. It'll either take him a long time, or more preperation then just shooting at it. It wasn't the most entertaining stratedgy, but Gren continued to strafe around the ceiling to avoid Cobalt's counter fire while raining bullets down at him. He wanted to engage into melee but he supposed that would only be for a last resort. For now, simply shooting Cobalt would have to suffice, while the orc did his best to avoid tank shells and the occasional bits of debris. He moved with little hints or consistancy, feinting and juking to keep Cobalt from guessing a pattern. Sometimes Gren's manuvers even messed up his aim, but at this point he wasn't trying to be a sharp shooter, just cover an area in bullets. [color=00a651]"Just got to keep moving. He's a sitting duck and I got plenty of bullets to spare. Don't do anything flashy, keep it simple, keep it efficient."[/color] Cobalt frowned as his strategy failed. He fired some more at Gren but it was clear that he wasn't hitting. Gren wasn't hitting him either. The bullets would glance him and his armor would absorb the damage. This was beginning to get dumb. Nobody was making any progress. Cobalt just kept dodging around, Gren just kept shooting him. At this rate they were going to be here an hour. He wasn't going to be collapsing the ceiling, Gren was just going to keep firing bullets and Cobalt was also going to keep firing bullets. "Hey we're not getting anywhere here! You want to just slug it out with our close range weapons?" He asked as he dodged some more bullets. This was really dumb. Gren almost couldn't hear Cobalt over the sound of the dakka, but when he noticed he was talking to him Gren stopped firing long enough to hear his question. That would be more entertaining, however Gren was almost certain he was at the advantage. Still... Landing about ten feet away from Cobalt, Gren switched The God Eater into it's Terror Form. [color=00a651]"Heh. That's what I wanted from the start. I normally don't do this, but let's set some ground rules for this, eh? Since we're fighting like gentlemen and all. Call your terms."[/color] " Cool. No using our Semblance. We back off when our aura hits red. And... no going for the nuts. That's just uncool no matter how you look at it." Cobalt set down his terms and hefted his sword. He pulled a small bullet out of his pocket and held it up. "When the bullet hits the ground we'll start." Cobalt tossed the bullet in the air and watched it fall to the ground. It hit the ground and bounced twice. Cobalt was off like a bullet as he swung at Gren's arms with the blunt part of the 27 Smasher. Anticipating the charge Gren himself charged at Cobalt. Without his semblance Gren was a bit slow, but he was still able to use his Rocket Boosters to get a burst of speed. Gren brought the God Eater up to block the blow from Cobalt's weapon, holding his ground as the two locked their weapons together. Then Gren shot a hand out to grab Cobalt by the throat. Striking was great, but Gren worked best in a grapple. Though his opponent no doubt was strong, Gren weighed about 300lb without the God Eater alone, and intended to make full use of his weight class. Not to mention that he didn't need his semblance to be freakishly strong. Cobalt began struggling for breath as he felt his throat being crushed. He was already starting to regret challenging Gren to a close range battle. He took one hand off of the 27 Smasher and smashed his fist into Gren's face. He obviously wasn't going to be reversing any sort of grapples but as of right now Gren was in a position to be punched. Repeatedly. After Cobalt smashed his fist into Gren's face he reached his fist back and went for another blow into Gren's oh so smashable face. This was actually starting to hurt his hand. His vision was also starting to get spotty. He needed air badly. If he could eat anything right now, it would be air. [color=00a651]"Ow. Ow. Ow!"[/color] This was taking too long. Cobalt was deceptively strong. Granted, his weapon could do more damage, but his fists weren't exactly light taps either. Gren could try slugging back, but that would require for him to either let go his his neck, or let go of the God Eater, and both could be disasterous. But if Cobalt was tougher then he looked then simply choking him out wasn't going to work. Grunting, Gren lifted Cobalt off his feet and threw him towards the ground not too far from Gren. Shortly after he grabbed his weapon and quickly swung at Cobalt while he was on the ground, hoping to smash him down before he could get up and fight. One, maybe two good hits should take him out, or at least that's what Gren thinks. Gren could still fight, but he didn't want to risk getting clocked again, or for Cobalt to be able to get a clean hit on him either. Cobalt gasped for air as he hit the ground. The God Eater headed towards his face and he rolled to the side. He got up quickly before Gren could swing again and checked his aura meter. He was in the red, the match was over. "I'm in the red! Match is over!" He called out before Gren could try and choke the life out of him again. "Good match bro!" Cobalt bolstered his weapon and held his hand out for a handshake. "Those Rocket Thrusters are sweet." Huffing, Gren smiled at Cobalt underneath his helmet. Retracting it from his face Gren reached out and shook Cobalt's hand. [color=00a651]"Thanks. Nice weapon. I don't meet many people who could heft something like that, and less who could afford standing under the might of The God Eater. Hell, I didn't want to risk taking too many shots from yours either."[/color] After shaking his hand Gren looked down at the rocket thrusters on his body. They served him well, and he was excited to upgrade them once he managed to find the materials for it. [color=00a651]"Yeah, if I didn't have them you'd likely shoot me out of the skies. If you want, I could hook you up with some. Might be a bit bulky on you, but... I know a thing or two that might work."[/color] "Thanks. I worked pretty hard on the 27 Smasher, but the God Eater is on a whole other level. The fire rate on it is insane. " Cobalt grinned at the compliment. The idea of Rocket Thrusters of his own was cool too. That would be sweet. But let's move this conversation out of the arena. Other people are waiting to fight." Cobalt walked out of the arena and began thinking on what he could have done to win.