Name: [i]Skye Jones[/i] Age: [i]19[/i] Power: [i]Fire Manipulation[/i] Appearance: [img][/img] Bio:[i] Skye was quite a tomboy since a young age. She would always head out with her brothers to play soccer then come home and play video games. She used to think powers only existed in games until one day, at the age of 7, she was playing outside at the park when she saw a dog pounce onto her in fright she jumped back and her hand hit the nearby tree causing a spark she was confused for a second until she saw it catch fire. She ran home to her parents not telling them what happened. She kept it hidden as well as she could with the occasional mishap but she managed to lie and tell them it was something else until one day when she was 14 and was home alone and panicked badly when there was a bang on the door she yelped and a bolt of fire shooted out of her hand into the door it burnt it and it opened to see the neighbour there who just managed to move out of the way of a second one. The third one Skye managed to direct away but it set the house on fire. She escaped the house and ended up sitting on the lawn scared of herself and silently crying as the neighbor called the fire brigade and police saying well away from her. Once her parents came back and the fire was sorted they kept her isolated until they received an invite for the supernatural college With her Fire ability she can shoot fireballs and burn things she touches as well as create fire in her hand. That is all that she knows. It also changed her hair and eye colour. She may seem intimidating at first but will eventually soften up. She is very sarcastic too.[/i] Sorry if the bio is a bit long! [@KatherinWinter]