[center] [IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/28hipn8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/9kck8k.png[/IMG] 15 December 20th, 1999 Female Heterosexual She stands at 5'1" with a thin, petite body. Her pale complexion consists of very light freckles. She has hazel eyes and thick, wavy strawberry blonde hair that often looks red to some. Genevieve is blunt individual that has no problem telling people what she really thinks. She has a dark sense of humor and tends to find it in even the worst of situations. She's very sarcastic and can have quite the attitude. Usually, she purposely keeps to herself unless speaking to someone benefits her. She's quite cunning and can come up with a good scheme when need be. Genevieve is very opposed to showing her emotions in front of people and will leave if upset or angry. Though hard to actually anger, she is easily irritated and does not hold a lot of patience. Despite all this, deep down she does have some kindness in her that is often reserved for certain individuals. No gang affiliation at the moment Her hobbies include reading, listening to music, drawing and playing the piano. However, other people know her for playing with witchcraft and voodoo dolls. Genevieve is currently unemployed and resorts to thievery occasionally. No extracurriculars Genevieve grew up in a fairly safe neighborhood with an older brother, an alcoholic mother and cheating asshole of a father. His constant affairs and sneaking around drove their mother into alcohol addiction though she pretended that she never knew of her husbands actions. Her and her husband had a reputation to uphold with political positions in the town. Her father mysteriously was found dead one day but both she and her brother knew exactly what happened. Nonetheless, her mother almost got away with it. Though she hadn't been caught for murder, other members of the family cornered her for her drinking problem and away to rehab she went. Her brother was enrolled in college already so there was no issue with him having somewhere to go. However, Genevieve was sent to live with her uncle in Asheford who, like his sister, had a substance problem ever since the death of his wife years ago. Genevieve always thought her grandparents must had been terrible at raising them. It has been two years since Genevieve arrived in Asheford. Though she had been off to a shaky start, she adjusted to the dangerous neighborhood accordingly, stealing money or food when her uncle wouldn't take care of himself and her and creating a reputation that was sure to keep danger away. Genevieve, with the help of others, started rumors about herself that she was some creep that had a hand in murdering her father secretly. She started other rumors such as wielding witchcraft and playing with voodoo dolls. There were even rumors about setting her old school on fire and all her old boyfriends disappearing one by one mysteriously. The rumors spread like wildfire and people ended up steering clear of her, literally moving to the side of the hall when she came down it. With dark lipstick and dark clothes, she truly does come off like a creepy little witch. Her hometown is San Francisco 1 3 7 9 She has a black cat named Oswald [/center]