[h3]Shizuka Otonashi || Agriculture Club || May 4 MON[/h3] The response the club president gave had a positive effect on Shizuka, feeling relieved that he didn't seem to mind that she was new to this; in fact, he seemed eager to show her the pleasant feelings he had experienced. The sparkle in his jade eyes as he talked really showed how inspired he was in the topic of plants without a hint of doubt or embarrassment, she couldn't help a little jealousy seeping inside her. Oh how her life could have been easier if her passion can be flaunted around without shame but alas, the otaku girl was not ready to face the consequences of such action. Glancing over at the other upperclassman, she nodded in agreement to what Matt had to say, which reassured the underclassman that both of them accepted her opinion in some way. But once Matt mentioned about the topic of job and how Kotori wished to do whatever she could, the younger student raised her own offer to help. [color=violet]"I-I wish to offer what help I could give in that regard as well, Ha-Harvester-senpai."[/color] While saying this, she recalled the conversation she had earlier in regards to her own part time job which she felt should be shared. [color=violet]"Well... A-Actually, I have a part time job of my own as well. But I've already consulted with my manager for time off from time to time in order to participate in the club activities."[/color] A soft, short chuckle escaped her thin lips as she attempted to directly quote Kenji's words, [color=violet]"[i]'Spend your spring of youth to the fullest, it builds one's character to what they'll become'[/i], is what he said. He's such a carefree yet passionate manager and for that, I'm thankful."[/color] (([i]May be edited later to better the post quality[/i]))