(i'm guesssing they are put on here when they are approved) Name: Leonardo Jones Age: 23 Appearance:[img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/18/31/06/183106ac4614155c81cec6087c3f6614.jpg[/img] Demon: Defeat Personality: arrogant, likes to get into fights, thinks highly of himself, though he wont attack a person who isn't ready. Bio: He grew up in the bad side of town where there was a lot of fighting. He was so use to fighting that when the strange voice started going on in his head, the only thing that changed was that he couldn't say no to a challenge though because of how tough he was he rarely loss, though the few times he did lose he dropped to his knees because he felt a sharp pain throughout his body. He has slowly getting stronger and better at fighting.