[b]It's the guide critics have called "an explanation!" Adopted from the original Oldtower.org thread.[/b] Hi all, If you are looking for an RP of yours from the old Roleplayerguild, do not lose all hope. Google is a greedy dragon and captures nearly every webpage it crawls. This process is called "caching". Your content is probably buried somewhere in its greedy nest. But beware: If you don't do this soon, then when the guild does come back up, you will lose your content as Google will overwrite its old cache with a new one. To see if your threads are available via Google Cache, and then save them, do the following: 1) Navigate to [url=http://google.com]Google[/url]. This is easier if you go directly to the website, rather than use your browser's search bar, because your browser will try to load the URL instead of searching for it otherwise. [img]http://i.imgur.com/Cx5bMbq.png[/img] 2) Insert a search term that will bring up Google's results for your RP. The best option is a full url (i. e. http://roleplayerguild.com/showthread.php?191673-Seeking-Literate-Advanced-Roleplayers-for-One-on-One-Roleplays, which we'll use for this example), but other search terms would work (such as "site:roleplayerguild.com seeking literate advanced roleplayers for one on one roleplayers" - site:roleplayerguid.com tells Google to only look for results on roleplayerguild.com). [img]http://i.imgur.com/gazVz1a.png[/img] 3) You'll get a page of results that looks like this. If there are omitted results, make sure to show them - these "similar results" will be other pages of your RP; each page is a separate "website" in the mind of the Google caching dragon. [img]http://i.imgur.com/7a5Ud8r.png[/img] 4) Locate the little arrow next to the URL. Click on it and select "cached." Open that link in a new tab so you can go back to your search results later. [img]http://i.imgur.com/gId36gd.png[/img] 5) You will have a cached version of the site in your browser! Print or save it somewhere! [img]http://i.imgur.com/6dUHATr.png[/img] 6) Once you've done this for all the pages Google reveals, you're done. I cannot guarantee everyone's RP will have everything, or even that every RP will exist - but I have had a near 100% success rate doing this so far. If you guys have questions about The Process (patent pending), let me know and I will try to help. Thanks to my good friend OGW for letting me use her 1x1 request for this example. Note: Bing and Yahoo also do caching, if you're a weird deviant type who uses them. Try that as well. Also try playing around with your search terms. Some threads exist by search terms but not URL, some threads vice versa. It's luck of the draw. Try things like removing a few keywords, etc. This technique will also work for different specific pages - append "page 1" or "page1" or whatever to your search. It MAY help with finding specific users, but that is not a guarantee (usually it does not).