Vanessa was a little shocked hearing that they had seen wolves. ''It's good that you cut it short.. Wolves mostly ain't dangerous but if you meet one that isn't like the others..'' she said and then stopped, she stared for a minute or two out of the window and then she smiled. ''Could you help out with the dessert? I am making my own vanilla whipped cream'' she said. She winked as she knew how much Riley liked that whipped cream but never was allowed to help with it. ''All the ingredients are on the counter'' she said. ''First stiffen the cream and then put the vanilla drops in it... I use first 10 drops and taste, if its not good, each time add 2 drops... but be aware, it is a very delicate and pretty strong one so be careful'' she said and then Vanessa focused on the salad and once that one was standing she got looked around. ''When you finished the cream, go head home to change.. I am gonna change clothes and will finish the last pieces when you all are here, or else it is already cold and not tasty anymore'' Vanessa said and smiled. She walked over to Riley and ruffled trough the hair of the hard working girl. ''It's good to see you again Ri, I missed you'' she said and smiled. ------- Half an hour later ------ Vanessa had changed clothes to a [url=] black skinny jeans with a cream crop top, in her hair she had placed her sunglasses and she wore black sneakers[/url], even changed her bandage to one that was stronger so she could walk around in her house without being limp. She had texted Sarah that she expected them in fifteen minutes and now was taking plates out of the cabinets while holding her phone between her cheek and shoulder and waited for Kade to pick up. ''Pick up.. you bastard...'' she just said as he said: ''Hello?''. ''Oh Fuck! You didn't hear that right?'' she asked but her only answer some soft laughing. ''Well ehm, Good evening.. Dinner is ready in 20 minutes.. So if you can come over, then that would be nice'' she said, she was sounding a little nervous and she knew he would be able to hear it but what would every other young women do when their biggest crush almost demanded a date. It got quiet on both ends and she placed down the plates, a little to hard. ''What was that?'' Kade asked. ''Nothing.. or... plates.. No worries.. I'll see you in twenty minutes'' she said and then pushed the red button on her phone. She sighed and let out a deep sigh. She got the cutlery and placed those down for all three meals they had and then folded the napkins. She looked at it and knew it would be way to fancy.. She thought of that and then had a great idea, she would move it to the backyard! Then it might be still a little too formal and fancy but still had the country idea of the village they all lived in. The doorbell rang and she walked to it to open for Sarah and Riley. She smiled and hugged both. ''Could you both help me move it all to the backyard?'' she asked and smiled. ''Or do you think that I am still making it too fancy? Oh my god Sarah.. Riley.. Help! It's been years since I've been on a date or liked someone this much...'' she said and looked very desperate at the two other females. ''I could make it a picnic..'' she said and started to think again.