[color=fff200]"Yep that's more or less the jest of it. Now finish up and eat. I'm going home soon."[/color] commented Akihiko as he finished off his rice bowl and his glass of water. He looked around at his students once more before getting up and going over to the waitress personally to ask for the check. He pulled out his wallet from his jacket's pocket and paid with a fist full of dollars telling her to keep the change before walking back over to the group and waited for responses and or thank yous before telling them to have fun and get ready to work their butts off tomorrow at the forest around 10:00 AM for training with sensei before getting up and leaving promptly without fan fare. Kuro didn't stick around either having finished most of his food he got up and left his group without saying much of anything only saying a prompt goodbye ignoring any further words towards him and followed their sensei out the door to the Uchiha Compound.