[center] Username: AquaAzura Name: The Silver Bard (nicknamed Silver or Bard) Age: 20 Gender: Male Class: Bard Rank: Member House: Tosen Weapons: None Appearance: [img]http://sekaiju.atlus.co.jp/chara/big/img/bard2.jpg[/img] Personality: A casual yet mysterious man whose voice and lute playing inspires the most exhausted of soldiers to keep fighting to the bone and to inspire the most doubtful of lovers to marriage if commissioned a song of love, and to lift the hearts of the most downtrodden of groups with a ballad of strength. He's a terrible flirt and romantic but ironically unlike his songs he is clumsy with his words when alone with another person and gets flustered by most innocent of touches. He abhors violence and hates carrying weapons and tombs even if he can't use them, and he's intimidated by magic especially dark magic, healing magic being the only magic he can handle being around. Short Biography: The Silver Bard was born in an abandon building to a common whore. He was never given a name nor will he ever get one. When he was old enough to sing people were captivated by his songs that even at a young age inspired others and makes others feel the young Bastards hardships. When he was old enough to hold a lute he was taken in by a member of the house of Tosen, where when he gotten older he received the nickname The Silver Bard, due to his odd silver hair for his young age. He was well loved amongst the house members for his songs and voice. But he will sent out to make more use of his musical influence to inspire those in the fight against the monsters. Also a high ranking house member wanted him out of there due his daughter having her eyes on the Bard. Other: "Let's dance!" [/center]