[@Kurisa][@Oblivion666] As Nairin knocked on Shinzo's office door, her acute hearing picked up on voices coming from inside. She didn't want to eavesdrop on the conversation so she fought the urge to listen in and just waited, a little confused at what was going on. [color=9932CC][i]'Who's he talking to?'[/i][/color] Just as she ended her thought, Shinzo's office door thrust off of it's hinges and smacked straight into her face, pushing her body back quite some distance before smashing her right into a wall from the sheer force behind the door. [color=9932CC][b]"...Fuck... Ow"[/b][/color] After a minute, Nairin began moving in the rubble, harshly pushing the broken door aside as she stepped out of the hole in the wall while rubbing her sore back. [color=9932CC][b]"I'm so... fucking confused right now... dammit Shinzo"[/b][/color] Wincing a little, Nairin took a deep breath and got over her pain before making her way back to Shinzo's office, shunpo'ing most of the way. As she got back, she spotted Shinzo's other Lieutenant, Aya. [color=9932CC][i]'Heh, if Shizuka isn't there, Aya is'[/i][/color] Musing a little to herself, Nairin kept her lips pursed as she stepped into the semi-tarnished room through the hole where the door was meant to be. [color=9932CC][b]"Nevermind the pole. Shinzo, any clue to what the hell just happened?"[/b][/color] Nairin butt into the conversion, uncaring of how rude she may of been as usual.