After walking for a few hours, Haruka had finally come to the decrepit palace of an angry person. It occurred to her that prying his door open might make him even angrier, but it had to be done in order to take care of the evil residing in his house. Immediately, Haruka leapt to assist Al with the door. "Worry not now about breakfast, drunken lady," Haruka called out to Wykes while attempting to pry the door open with Al, "I posses many rations for everyone and also there is alcohol! We will have you fed and drunk quickly after I take care of this, if you so desire." Surely, the combined strength of the two would quickly take care of the door no matter how stuck. Then, they could adventure and fight evil and perhaps get money. Money was good, because it made people speak more. This was important in order to find whoever murdered her master.