I'm Here! As far as a captain goes, i would like to avoid an npc in that roll as much as possible. I'm actually leaning towards Viva being a freelance pilot. She's a big girl who dont need no captain. Lol! Although, im not opposed to the ship having an AI pressence if your cool with that...? No? Just me? (/me shuffles her AI fedish off to the side) OOOhhhhrrrr! OR! Perhaps by early days... that could mean Pre-Sirius days? And Viva is still traipsing about the gallaxy with her increadingly violent and criminally minded twin brother? Could that be a thing? Valko could have gotten seriously injured in one of his hair brained schemes that goes south due to his hot head and hair trigger temper. Viva hunts down a doctor (or ex doctor as the case may be) and hijacks him to save her brother? No? It gives Viva and Loire an earilier history, but i think the idea has potential...