[quote=@Henwen] I'm Here! As far as a captain goes, i would like to avoid an npc in that roll as much as possible. I'm actually leaning towards Viva being a freelance pilot. She's a big girl who dont need no captain. Lol! Although, im not opposed to the ship having an AI pressence if your cool with that...? No? Just me? (/me shuffles her AI fedish off to the side) OOOhhhhrrrr! OR! Perhaps by early days... that could mean Pre-Sirius days? And Viva is still traipsing about the gallaxy with her increadingly violent and criminally minded twin brother? Could that be a thing? Valko could have gotten seriously injured in one of his hair brained schemes that goes south due to his hot head and hair trigger temper. Viva hunts down a doctor (or ex doctor as the case may be) and hijacks him to save her brother? No? It gives Viva and Loire an earilier history, but i think the idea has potential... [/quote] I like the sound of this!!! Loire gets booted from the research since he [i]doesn't[/i] like torturing patience and killing people in the name of science when his research is incomplete. Trying to find a way back to the citadel, Viva finds him on whatever-planet (need to name it soemthing lol) and needs him to save Valko. Loire agrees if Viva will help get him back to the citadel. Somewhere from there they end up working on the SIRIUS (but there is no rush to get to that part, she can freelance for quite some time!!!). Yes, there can be an AI on the ship, perhaps not a full blown smart AI, since its only a small vessle and not a huuuuuge uber expensive one that could afford an advanced AI, maybe someone could later join the team and experiment with the AI a bit to upgrade it? I could play the captain then if you want, I don't like the idea of an NPC captain either since it is such an important role. Will we just go with Viva and Loire and take it from there, eventually introduce the SIRIUS and any other crew members as they come up!