[img]http://i.imgur.com/PgliDJM.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QRij9MW.jpg[/img] The main entrance to the estate slowly shifted open. A growling and fracturing sound hurried away from the ever evolving material of the door. It was unnatural, but perhaps to no surprise. One would think that some manner of protective enchantment rested upon the threshold, scaring away the creatures of the night. The two weary travelers were shadowed by a towering Faceless, whom had answered the request of admittance. It did not speak. Its breath was heavy, as if it had consumed tobacco its entire life. An intimidating, metallic sound resonated within the pallid mask. [b][color=9e0b0f]“Mark,”[/color][/b] Vigil grimly accousted the being, though it remained silent. However, only a moment later, Sophia emerged from the depths of the house. The woman gestured to the Faceless to disappear. The hulking figure then seemingly hovered away and vanished into the darkness beyond. Sophia rested her physique against the wooden frames of the entrance, a faint smirk on her lips. [b][color=00a651]“Vigil, what a pleasant surprise… or lack thereof”[/color][/b] she said. [b][color=00a651]“You seem… well,”[/color][/b] the woman continued with a slight sarcastic tone. He softened his expression at her sight and tipped a genteel nod forward. [color=9e0b0f]“Miss Moldoveanu.”[/color] [b][color=00a651]“…which is strange as you’ve brought an immortal with you,”[/color] [/b] Vigil’s quiet mien was quickly mixed with sudden perturbation, furrowing a look at her for answers and Sophia’s eerie gaze fastened on Maxine, who was resisting the urge to roll her eyes. The witch extended a flaccid hand for greetings. [b][color=00a651]“I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure… Sophia Moldoveanu”[/color][/b] she introduced. Max gave a tight smile.[b][color=7bcdc8] “Maxine Lewis,”[/color][/b] she said in reply. [b][color=7bcdc8]“It’s nice to meet you.”[/color][/b] Her eyes narrowed slightly at the woman, though her displeasure at having her inhuman nature exposed was kept hidden from view. The witch gestured her guests to come inside, away from the damp and chilling air. [b][color=00a651]“Please, come inside,”[/color][/b] she said. They took up her offer. [b][color=00a651] “I’ve been meddling in things I ought not to be…,”[/color][/b] the woman mentioned to them casually as she walked through the antiquated hallway to the first door on the right, deep in the recesses of her home. [b][color=00a651]“But, I assume you’re not here for any of that.” [/color][/b] Besides the massive cauldron, the kitchen in which Sophia settled herself was cluttered with myriad of things. There were bone remains of dead critters such as rats and frogs laying around, pendants and chimes dangling from the ceiling, mushrooms and roots and plants tucked away in the corners and around the stove, pungent incense faintly burning in pots filled with dirt and insects, and three cats of nightly attributes staring at the individuals as they entered. [b][color=00a651]“Have a seat,”[/color][/b] Sophia invited. Max looked around the room warily, eyes taking in the strange setting before she perched on a rickety, wooden stool that had been left in the corner of the cluttered room.