"Oh, it's no big deal." Sepia waved her hand dismissively. "I forget things all the time, and I don't know if you heard my name in the first place. It's Sepia Russet, by the way." As she said this, her stress began to lower considerably. [i]At least he's okay now, but I have a feeling he isn't exactly "fine".[/i] Noticing the ears sticking out of his hair for this first time, she gasped in excitement. "Yes, I remember you now! You're the cu- cat, I meant cat- faunus from my practice class!" she paused for a moment and studied his features. "Unless you're something more exotic, like a lion or tiger, maybe." "And yeah, that's my semblance. Don't worry, I can't really tell what you're thinking unless you want me too." She looked down, her borderline ADD canine tendencies showing as she was immediately distracted by the funny little creature. "Woahhhhh....Is that like a cat-snake or something?" Her pale green eyes were widened with curiosity.