Harry said he would think about her offer and that was all she could really ask for. The last thing Hermione wanted to be was another burden, another weight to rest upon Harry's shoulders. What she wanted was to be the opposite; help. Hermione wanted to see Harry succeed, even with everything that was going on. In the back of her head, she did consider his thoughts on Rose Tyler, the mysterious girl. Could she be a time traveler? Hermione wasn't sure, but then again there were things even she didn't know about. Hermione made a note to talk to the older blond in the morning. When the next day did arrive, she headed down to the common room to wait for the boys. Once they were all together, they headed down, along with Rose, Ginny and Neville to get something to eat. They kept the conversation light, soon they ran into Luna who also seemed ready for the day. Once the introductions were done and over with, they parted their ways to eat. As breakfast wrapped up, she looked at her schedule, which happened to be Double Charms. She thought back to what the man had said to her the night before. He seemed rather cheerful and easy going. And well, she had plenty of strict teachers in school so she was looking forward to one who didn't seem quick to crack the whip, so to speak. She had found the night before, that she had been given an old trunk with various supplies and even a simple wand. Rose was a little curious, unsure if the Doctor or Dumbledore himself had provided such supplies. Either way, it would help to keep up with appearances. She glanced down at her robes and tried to adjust them as Ron passed her some jam for her toast. "Thanks." She said and applied it and took a bite. "I'll see you guys at lunch or something, okay?" She said and got up and dusted herself off. As much as she wanted to just lounge around and enjoy the dream come true, she couldn't. She was at Hogwarts to help, not indulge herself. Ron gave her a wave but she just hurried off with her things. Thankfully she remembered the classroom and slipped in along with everyone else. As class began, she settled into the back and tried to figure out how to actually use a quill and ink. It was so old fashioned when pens and pencils were perfectly useful, even in the 90s. Rose hadn't a clue why they just upgrade a little but she figured they liked things done a certain 'old' way so she quickly dug a pen out from her jeans, under her robe (since she decided to neglect the jumper and skirt laid out for her) and started to scribble down notes. 'This isn't fair, going to school and doing homework...' She started to think to herself. Her bitterness didn't linger though. As the teacher, Mr. Smith began to talk about cloaking charms, Rose smiled to herself. She was at Hogwarts, a little note-taking shouldn't be so torturous. As the class winded down for a break before the second hour, she looked at her notes and wondered if they'd ever be put to good use or not. If she was a muggle, then she couldn't do magic. Could she? Now she wished she paid more attention to Filch's situation. Meanwhile, Luna, Ron, Draco, Harry and Hermione were all situated in their muggle studies course. Hermione watched their new substitute saunter in. She straightened up in her seat a little. It seemed she wasn't the only female in the room to take notice to Mr. Logan's great appearance. Except perhaps Luna, though her head was buried in a mess of notes. The class was a mixture of all the Houses, since the class itself was limited, it was open to anyone who could or needed to take it. Hermione bit her lower lip and felt the need to ask a question, just because it was in her nature, but she had nothing to say for some reason. So instead she pulled her hair back over her shoulders and cleared her throat. Draco and his goonies were sitting on the other side of the room and were just muttering to themselves, probably about their new teacher. "Why should we care?" Draco then raised a hand. "I mean, they're useless, can't do magic, they're as bad as mudbloods." He sent Hermione a glare, one she quickly threw back at him. Luna raised her head when she sensed a disturbance. "If you trace our history back far enough, it is supposed that magic and muggles could co-exist together. Some scholars even believe muggles created magic and soon labels were given depending on your bloodline and genetics." Luna said calmly. "To think in today's time people discriminate against history when really history tells us to get along...it's a bit alarming to look at the future." She set her quill down and Hermione looked to the blond girl, rather surprised to hear so much from the normally quiet odd duck of the class. "She's right." Hermione huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "People like you give magic such a poor reputation." She looked to Draco Malfoy. "The wizarding world owes our family a great deal-" Draco shot back but it seemed the teacher intervened and class began, the air slightly tense. As class carried on, Draco ended up just taking a nap and then near the end, he and his mates just talked about the Quidditch season and what they'd be doing for the holidays. Meanwhile, Luna and the Gryffindors were fine taking notes and asking questions. As everyone began to pack up, Hermione could sense that Draco wanted to stir up more trouble. Looking to Harry, she wished they had his invisibility cloak or something. Even so, she wasn't going to let the git get under their skin. Especially not Harry's. As the students filtered out of the classroom, she put an arm around the boy-who-lived and hurried out. Draco was as predicted, right behind them making crude comments. "I bet you'll ace that class, Granger. You might as well teach everyone how mudbloods think." He laughed. "Oh sorry, I mean muggles..." Hermione rolled her eyes and headed toward the dungeons, as they had Double Potions before lunch. Rose felt proud of herself. Thanks to some guy, she dropped out of university, but being back in a learning environment felt rather nice. She packed up her things and looked over at the teacher, the best suspect she had come across. Who else could it be? It had to be him? But how could she tell if he was a Time Lord like the Doctor? Her Doctor. She hadn't a clue how to get close to him and get proof. She wasn't sure why he'd be hiding in Hogwarts though, unless he was hiding from something? Or someone? Like some evil alien race? Rose honestly didn't know. If someone could help, it may be Hermione, if not the Doctor, who was off teaching. She walked down to the center of the room and decided to try something, anything. "So Mr. Smith...where you from?" She asked him. "Have you ever...traveled through time?" She asked him. She wanted to be more subtle but nothing was coming to mind except the obvious. "I mean, time turners don't count." She quickly waved a hand. "I mean it would be amazing if you could also travel through space, rather than just time..." Now she was sure she sounded like a nutter. The other students were mingling outside, stretching their legs before the class would resume. "I just...um...you just seem like the kind of guy who could do more than teach." She shrugged. Rose wished she knew more about the situation, she needed to talk to the Doctor and not get interrupted. As everyone left the classroom, Luna was slow to make it out herself. There was something about their new teacher. His aura gave her the idea that he was so much older than he looked. When she looked at him, she saw images of people and places that were far beyond that of Earth itself. Luna wasn't sure why, but she found herself quite puzzled. Usually people left her alone because she was in her own world, and somehow she got the similar impression when she looked at Mr. Logan. She walked over him, closely studying him. He looked normal but then there was this light just swirling around him in her eyes. As some students for the next class came in, she noticed she had just been standing and staring for a bit too long. "Sorry, you just have a fascinating aura about you." She told Mr. Logan. "I've never seen or felt anything quite like it. Your...your eyes have seen so much-" "Hey looney." A sixth year boy threw a parchment ball at her head. Luna flinched and looked down at the projectile at her feet. "Sorry, sir." Luna gave him a smile and hurried out to get to her next class, Double Potions as well.