[u][h3]Kuhaku Shiro[/h3][/u] [i]"Cu-?"[/i] Shiro tilted his head and blinked. [i]"Slip of the tongue?"[/i] he wondered. Shaking his head, he dismissed it as an irrelevant thought and quickly demolished it from memory. Smiling, he took comfort in knowing someone else had bad memory just like him. Not that it was an uncommon thing, people forget stuff all the time. Regardless, he still felt a little better with her having admitted the fact. [b]"Well, it's nice to meet you Sepia! Glad to see you remember me! But, I'm not a Cat faunus. Most people get that confused, but I'm actually a Tiger."[/b] he laughed. [b]"My stripes only appear when I'm fighting, otherwise I look just like any other feline so I get that a lot."[/b] he understood the confusion. His exact breed was always difficult to discern because of his stripes only appearing in the high-stress situations of combat. He definitely felt a kinship and affinity for other faunus that were of feline origin, but still felt he was drastically different. How? He could never explain. But he felt the differences to lay in general personality traits and physical attributes. Making a face and wrinkling his nose, he found the 'exotic' description to be a little odd, but not insulting in any way. [b]"That's a pretty cool Semblance. So you're like a psychic or something?"[/b] [i]"Please don't go digging around in my head."[/i] His inner voice begged quietly. When Sepia brought attention to Scoot who was actively sniffing at her and now circling around her feet, Shiro grinned. [b]"Oh, him? That's Scoot. He's sort of Swansong's mascot. He's a ferret that somehow has his own Semblance that's a lot like yours. But, he can only use it to speak a few words in people's heads who are near him. Can't really do much else with his ability."[/b] He scratched at the back of his head. Scoot, sensing Shiro's energy returning, began to ask [i][b]"Friend?"[/b][/i] Constantly. Shiro chuckled again, [b]"I don't want to say he's stupid, but he doesn't know how to say much. He's a simple little guy but I love 'em."[/b] [i]"Wait a minute, doesn't she belong to another freshman team? Isn't she supposed to be in Combat Class?"[/i] He stared at her for a moment, lost in confused thought. He thought to ask, but then the same question could be asked of him and he didn't feel like spilling his guts about how he was secretly taking drugs to fend off his 'episodes'. He could just as easily lie, but he could already feel the guilt growing just from thinking of fibbing to a new friend. Screw it, right? [b]"Uh, if you don't mind my asking...What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Combat class with everyone else?"[/b]