Orion stared up at the castle with a doubtful expression. The place looked as old as could be and the person that was supposed to help them lived [I]here[/I]? Not for the first time, Orion contemplated whether this was all a ruse or a trap but then how in the world did the mysterious person know about [I]him[/I], that voice that wouldn't leave Orion alone and always told him how hopeless everything was and why bother trying? Orion did his best to ignore him but his voice wasn't the full reason he had came here. He glanced down at the short, blonde girl by his side, Estelle noticing his gaze and giving him a soft smile. Orion didn't care if he never got rid of his voice but he would try everything in his power to help his twin. Orion didn't even know there was anything wrong with his twin until she asked their mother something and the woman started crying hysterically. It only got worse when Orion tried to calm her down and the woman started screaming that life was pointless. Not knowing what to do, the siblings called the police and soon their mother was in the hospital. That night, as they were staying over at their aunts, Estelle had come into Orion's room and confessed she was hearing a voice. Not multiple, just one and it was making her sad. As Orion looked into his twins tear-filled eyes, he knew he had to fine a solution. And so here they were, in the middle of no where with the vague hope resting on the shoulders of some stranger they had never meet who [I]might[/I] be able to help. Orion sighed and gently took his twins hand before leading her up the path to the front door. Estelle looked up at her brother worriedly. She knew all he cared about was helping her, not even really thinking of himself but she just wished she could tell him it would all be alright. She could of course, if she wrote it down. Ever since she realized who this new [I]guest[/I] was in her head and what she could do, Estelle had stopped talking. Misery was only able to use her power if people heard Estelle's voice and so now Estelle was a mute until they could find a solution to their problem. The girl let out a silent sigh as she looked up at the castle. It didn't look like much she would admit. But she clung to the frail hope that this person could help them.