[b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/21b92ev.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Rayne, Myrinda [b]Identification/Serial Number:[/b] SO-8746924 [b]Rank:[/b] Specialist [b]Role:[/b] Demolitions/Communications [b]Age:[/b]24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nickname:[/b] Pips [b]Psychological Analysis: [/b] Myrinda is an outgoing woman with an acerbic wit and a sardonic attitude. She enjoys the military life and the comradery which she finds in her units. Most especially she enjoys working with competent and professional people who are as good at their job as she is at hers. A veteran of several tours, Myrinda is often a little reserved with newcomers, but this frequently passes quickly as they demonstrate they have what it takes. Myrinda has the artists ability to focus on a goal to the exclusion of all else, as a result she can be very intense. As a woman in the Imperial army she pushes herself twice as hard to demonstrate she is as tough as the men and can be a little sensitive about her gender. She is also famous for her transient interests, she becomes obsessed with something one week only to forget it the next in favor of some new fascination. Myrinda’s critics point out that she seems to enjoy danger a little too much and the label adrenaline junkie has been bandied around. Her counter argument would be that she simply thrives in dangerous situations. [b]Military Record:[/b] Myrinda comes from an old Alderanian military family. Although she grew to adulthood during the pacifist period, her father and grandfather would sometimes tell her stories of the battles they had fought and the worlds they had visited. Inspired and excited by these stories Myrinda enlisted in the Imperial Military at age 18. Although her aptitude scores justified officer training, Myrinda, a woman and a ‘pacifist from a dissenting world’, was instead shuffled off to the infantry. Despite the brutal discipline and the punishing physical regime Myrinda loved infantry school. Here at last was an opportunity to prove what she could do. She pushed herself to excel in every field she could, from combat medicine to communications, studying long hours and eschewing the small social life available to Imperial recruits. Somewhat unwelcome in the regular infantry she was instead sent to specialist training. The trainers in the specialist schools were more interested in results than gender and Myrinda showed a flair for demolitions and communications both of which were in high demand due to the mortality rates in those professions. After graduating second in her class she was assigned to a string of counter insurgency operations along the fringe of the Empire. Here she operated both with her unit and on detached service with Imperial Intelligence. She earned her reputation as a clever and resourceful trooper who was steady under fire. Attrition during counter-insurgency was constant and after nearly two years of service Myrinda’s unit was depleted beyond its combat effective strength. Rather than being reinforced at the end of the campaign, it was instead broken up to provide specialist personnel for other units. Stormtrooper Armor E-11 Blaster Rifle SE-14r Sidearm Thermal Detonators Demolitions Kit Enhanced Commo Suite