The senior chuckled (barely) and responded, [color=1a7b30]"What's your name?"[/color] Vlad was relieved, although he didn't completely left his guard down. Throughout the three years he had been at Shinjuku he hadn't had the chance to become to friendly with anyone else. From his point of view, the students took themselves too seriously and the staff acted too high-and-mighty. On the rare occasion someone started acting friendly, they ended up being sadistic bullies looking for an easy target. And that always ended in a fight. Some were won and others not, but they were all fights. [color=f87217]"[i]But that isn't what's happening right now, right?[/i]"[/color], Vlad thought to himself, trying to keep an optimistic outlook on life. [color=f87217]"I'm Vladimir. Vlad for short. Like the impaler. But the only thing I'd impale right now are my ears, just so I can stop listening to this."[/color] Keeping up using his (now rusty) sense of humor seemed like the way to go. [color=f87217]"How 'bout you?"[/color] [@CoolGuy]