[IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/23hsju9.jpg[/IMG] [b]Name:[/b] Sila Chanthavong [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] Chef and Physical Therapy Student Drop Out [b]Skills:[/b] + 6’1” with moderate upper body strength. + Sila specializes in cooking quick and affordable meals and snacks that have all the nutrients of a full-course meal. + Proficient with knives in pretty much every manner ranging from fileting a fish to hitting targets with accuracy at ranges of 20 feet. + Sense of humor can help keep dire situations seems light. [b]Flaws:[/b] - His keen judge of character causes him to see the worst in people, and will often exaggerate various characteristics in friends and acquaintances. - Underneath his seemingly calm nature is a raging beast of anger management issues that takes a large amount of provoking to merit a verbal/physical response. - Sila loves to quietly judge and mock people in the confines of his mind. - Sila’s left index finger, left middle finger and thumb were nearly severed in a bet involving knives resulting in the nerves becoming unresponsive in most of his left hand. Deeps scars are found on the knuckle of the middle finger, the knuckle where the index finger meets the top of the hand, and the top portion of his thumb is missing, leaving a slight angle. [b]Firearm proficiency:[/b] 2. Sila has been to a firing range occasionally on his international travels, but he hardly knows his way around a gun. [b]Weapons:[/b] Sila carries a Santoku knife (Japanese cooking knife) with a 9” black blade and sturdy, dark, wooden handle carried in a shoddy leather sheath strapped to his right thigh. He also carries a small Smith and Wesson tanto knife in his right pocket for utility, and has four Cold Steel Sport Throwing knives that he has yet to figure out how to quickly access them in case the need for them ever arises. [b]Equipment:[/b] A compact knife sharpener, a random container of salt, a Moleskin journal filled with recipes ranging from ones that he has learned on the road to those perfected in the kitchen by his mother, a Hydroflask®, and [hider=a photo of a past lover] [IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/2utni2t.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] All held in a black, medium sized rucksack. [b]Apparel:[/b] Has a total of two short sleeve shirts, one long sleeve shirt, (accumulated from different restaurants), one pair of dark blue jeans, a long black rag that he often wears as a headband, a black cap with a small “J” embroidered on the face, and dark brown hiking boots. [b]Personality:[/b] Great judge of character and discernment for tense situations afforded to him by his quiet, observational nature. Believes that an empty stomach is the leading cause of depravity, and that if he could satisfy a person’s stomach then he could also keep that person content. Naturally introverted, but can also surprise acquaintances with his rowdy personality usually reserved for family and close friends. [b]Backstory:[/b] Sila's passion for cooking stemmed from his fascination with knives that came at the young age of eight. He loved to test the knives in his mother's kitchen to see how well they could slice a slab of meat or a chicken breast. This curiosity soon turned into a cooking hobby, and carried well into his teenage years until it became second nature. Cooking became as important as breathing to him. After graduating high school in Temecula, CA, Sila went on to achieve his Bachelors of Science in Kinesiology and was enrolled in a physical therapy program. Much to the dismay of his mother and close family members, Sila dropped out 3/4ths of the way in order to dedicate his time to perfect his culinary skills that focused mainly on street food and quick, filling meals. Dropping out resulted in his mother kicking him out of the house, so he first resorted to staying with friends. He soon realized that his welcome was running out, and decided to take to a life on the road. Previously, Sila loved to travel the world and seized every opportunity that he was able to get on a plane and fly to a remote part of the world to share his knowledge and love for food and to study the various types of international cuisine. To him, life on the road was no different than this. He had been living this nomadic lifestyle for eight months before the outbreak, going from city to city, sharing his culinary creations with any person who would be willing to receive from him. After the outbreak, he tried to get into contact with his family, but was unable to do so. After realizing he would not realistically be able to make it back to them, he offered his services to any hungry soul that he came across. He wandered for two months before coming across what the locals call "Haven," and dedicated his skills to keeping the encampment nourished. [b]Other:[/b] He regrets not mending things with his family, and leaving the girl that he loved to pursue his cooking. He also talks in his sleep, and is often heard murmuring, "I'm sorry, Jacqueline."