[@Ariamis] Hm...well, RPs are played however the GM wants. But I'm just comparing it to what I'm used to, not to the "usual". I've never been in an RP where there's a posting order, I've only been in RPs with just a posting delay...or no delay at all. And the norm for my RPs is normally about two paragraphs - BUT I've rarely gotten to do a mecha RP before, so I figure a mech gives more to work with. Oh, also...didn't you mention dice somewhere? Never been in a Roleplay with dice involved either. Not that any of it's bad, it's just new to me. But I've been craving an RP styled like this one...I even posted an interest check for one of my own(but let's face it nobody knows what Blue Gender is, nor am I a very good GM...).