[@ImagineVillains] [@AbysmalDemon][@XxLyraxX][@Dirty Dan] As a couple of last-moment arrivers passed through Ned and his trunk, pushing him aide, he understood that it was about time he joined a compartment's inhabitants and to begin getting friendly with the other students. As he walked around the wagons, he couldn't find anything where there was enough place for him... Not until he saw a kitty and its owner go into a packed compartment he had passed by just a few seconds earlier. Ned walked back and stared through the glass door - there were more students in the compartment than there was space in the others. He counted the seats and saw that there are more than the normal amount of them. Curious, yet afraid to intrude, he spent some time in front of the door, looking rather puzzles. Nonetheless, he slid open the door and stuck his head inside the compartment. 'Hello, sorry... Erm, I wondered if you know any other compartments that might have extra space? I have been dragging this trunk since the train departed and I cannot find anywhere to sit.' He blushed marvellously in crimson as he stared at each of the compartment members separately.