The Psyker was spread out across the couch, her head lying flat upon one of the incredibly comfortable cushions among it, making it no surprise that she had fallen asleep so quickly. Aviza had also fallen victim to the couches soothing comfort, drifting into a peaceful sleep which was void of any dreams. Now kneeling down next to the Psyker, Aviza waited patiently for her to fully awaken from her own unconscious state of sleep. She did not have to wait long however, for the Psyker sat up and glanced back and forth between the slice of freshly baked pie and the Adeptus Sororitas who offered it with an emotionless look across her face. As soon as the piece of pie was taken from her, a smirk spread across her face, this wasn’t anything malicious but her own form of a smile. Once the Psyker had politely moved her feet allowing Aviza to sit down upon the couch, she reached for the T.V. remote. Placing the remote on her lap, she stretched out her legs and rested them half way upon the metal table in front of her and relaxed. That was, until the Psyker introduced herself, which then Aviza turned her head and held eye contact with her new comrade. [color=00aeef]“An honor to meet you Adrianne, I am Aviza Norea, Celestian of the Ebon Blade. I usually do not spend time with the type of soldiers that make up this squad, unless they are impure…”[/color] Aviza pointed at the white phosphorus type grenade upon her belt followed by a light cough while she covered her mouth. [color=00aeef]“Worry not Adrianne, at this point you are in no danger of becoming a human torch.”[/color] There was a short pause as Aviza reached for the T.V. remote and turned it on. What showed upon the screen in front of them was a military history documentary for part of the Imperium of Man. Tossing the control to Adrianne, she spoke [color=00aeef]“Try channel [4278] also, toss me a bag of those Cheesy crisps and a soda.”[/color]