" unless they are impureā€¦ " Adrianne would glance down at the phosphorus grenade at the sister's belt when Aviza motioned towards it. She was more than familiar with its effects and abilities, knowing full well that compared to the phosphorus grenade, a frag grenade was a gift of mercy! For a moment, her mind flashed back to a dark basement room in what seemed like a bunker of some sort. Six wounded and battle weary guardsmen were huddled together in a group at the center of the room, performing weapon checks and tending to each others wounds when suddenly the metal door to the bunker room swung open! Things were blurred afterwards, but she heard quite clearly the voice of a power armored woman cry out from outside the room: "Cleanse the impure!", before the sound of metal clanking against the concrete floor could be heard as a grenade was thrown into the room, and the metal doors were shut closed by power armored hands behind it! One of the guardsmen, Marcus, shouted out as he immediately got to his feet and rushed towards the door! But by the time he got there, it was already shut and locked tight! A fearful moment passed then, before the grenade lying on the ground burst into a consuming white gas cloud caressed with fire that filled the room and consumed the guardsmen in the blink of an eye! Terrified screams filled the bunker as the guardsmen were burned alive both from the outside, as well as inside as they breathed the lethal gas! Some of them twisted around on the floor in pure agony, whilst another stood upright, blinded, and walking clumsily around the room; parts of his skin and uniform burned right off his body! Her mind returning from the memory, Adrianne would nod slowly, before passing a bag of chocolate covered chips and a bottle of caramel soda to Aviza sitting next to her. "I'm at least glad you consider me so. I somehow doubt the rest of your sisters would have given me the same treatment." Adrianne would smile slightly as she looked at Aviza, before tossing a quick glance at the bag in her hands. "I did not believe the sisterhood would ever condone the consumption such lower class junk food among their members. You surprise me, Celestian!"