[@Orior] Uh... I don't quite understand what you're getting at here. Just to clarify, the outer clothing layers themselves don't actually have any significant protective properties to them. That's all in the platemail, which I assume is possible to enchant to be resistant to magical damage as well as physical. Enchanting the outer clothing to self-repair therefore wouldn't improve Magnus' defense in any way, if indeed it was allowed, which would mean that they still aren't actually "armour"; assuming all of that holds true, the question would then be if a similar enchantment applied to the actual armour (i.e. the platemail, which is in fact a full suit, hence its excessive usability restrictions on non-heat-resistant people) would be too much. As for the stave... it's more like a long club that's generally dense and heavy than a mace with all of the weight at the end. The addition of a stabbing point and edges would be to improve its effectiveness against heavier armour, both chain and plate; the point can stab through chain links and weak points in plate, whilst the edges focus the force of a blow along a thin line to better crush plate, as opposed to actually cutting things as I may have initially implied.