Jack noticed the veins on Cole's neck start to turn blackish and he decided to release him. "Alright... Alright... No need to get your panties in a knot. Look the gun is loaded with blanks." Jack pointed the gun at the floor and fired. The area he had aimed at revealed no bullet hole, only a small, empty cartridge. "See? Now put that power of yours away before you hurt someone." Jack replied, his voice was deep and coarse. Nobody could resist his gift not even Cole; he could make anyone do anything with just a single word or command and one couldn't help but obey. Cole sighed before letting his veins return to their normal color, [color=ed1c24]"Dont worry about the Warden, we won't be staying long anyway. The plan right now is to get the remaining gifted out of the city, once we do that those willing will come back with us for when we face the Wardens. Once we take back the city we move on Mallory, we'll need the help of both the survivors and the MRF for this as I'm sure that she'll be heavily guarded".[/color] Cole may have been looking at Jack but he was addressing the present group. This wasn't going to be like last time, the blacksite was a single area, they'd soon be fighting a battle across the entire island. The risk was much higher and it was possible some of them wouldn't make it out alive. Jack listened in on Cole's plan to taking back Manhattan before replying, " I know of some old, under ground tunnels that run in and out of the city. The DMA don't know about them as far as I know so they should give you some cover. As for Mallory you should just give up on trying to take her down. The Wardens that protect her are way out of your league. I only met them once but remember that one of the Wardens with her had the eyes of the devil, that could make you see the thing you feared the most. Trust me when I say this Cole; you have no chance against Mallory and you're best off just saving what Gifted you can and leaving the island for good." [color=ed1c24]"We can't just leave her alive, she'll simply send the other Wardens after us. It won't matter how many we kill she'll just create more and send them our way. Each time we fight back the DMA will spin a story to make us out to be monsters. Whether we kill her or let her live doesn't matter, either way the humans will always hate us"[/color] "I know that.... I know that better than anyone else here! But you guys aren't the first to think that they may have a chance against Mallory. Want to know what happened to them? Dead. Every last one of them are dead and in the ground. Now yes you guys are strong but you are heavily out numbered and out gunned. And if by some sort of extreme luck or divine intervention, that you some how manage to kill Mallory; you sure as hell won't make it out alive. You'll most likely die where you stand. Then afterwards you'll be called and remembered as hysterics and terrorists, Mallory will be mourned by the humans, then the DMA will find a replacement for Mallory, and then the cycle of the creation of Wardens and the murder of Gifted will continue. Your efforts and your lives would be lost and no progress would be made". [b]" Umm If the EX-warden could impose here, we're already practically branded as terrorists and we are making a plan now to make sure that we get out alive. I can't speak for everyone here but getting to Mallory is not going to be where I stop. As Cole said the first step is to take Manhattan and then prevent the from creating wardens, and make some breathing room. And killing Mallory may not be necessary, I might have a way to get rid of Mallory without harming her?"[/b] There was a lot to think about, while Jack was right about Mallory being too high-risk of a target to go alone, Cole couldn't just leave her where she was.[color=ed1c24]"As much as I hate to admit it, taking back Manhattan migh not be the best choice. It'd be safer to just get the survivi out of there and wait for things to cool down. Once we do that then we should go to the MRF, they'll give us cover when we attack her location. Car-tali, you said you have a way to take out Mallory. How?"[/color] [b]"Well if we try to expose her, like you said the dma could spin it any way they want. However if we get her terminated then we don't get blamed. If we get to the central server I can relay the information that Mallory has to someone so they can broadcast it. Either Mallory is condemned by her superiors or by the general public or both doesn't matter." [/b] "And I'm going to assume that the person to get this info out into the open is that DMA girl you shoved into the cellar, correct? What makes you think she'll help a bunch of Gifted terrorists and a few EX-DMA agents exploit Mallory for the monster she really is?" Jack was still unsure of the group, the feeling of the group under estimating the DMA still lingered in his mind as he heard Car-Tali explain his idea to Cole. [color=ed1c24]"She'll have to help us, the last thing she wants to do is anger a group of 'metahuman terrorists'. Either way I'm not leaving the decision to me alone, everyone's lives are on the line here. We put it to a vote, those for killing her and those in favor of exposing her"[/color]