[quote=@Henwen] This sounds great! You can play Loire and the crimminally minded captain pal of Valko, while I play the Crux twins. We'll all still be on the Lucidae, a realitively small starship... I like the idea of a later character bringing on an AI (hopefully if Nariata ever comes back i can rope em in on that, seeing as we'd already had plans for a quazi-murdurously minded ai bot that was a glorified dj-roomba LOL) so i'll leave that in the potential future. So we'll have a not-quite hostage doctor riding along with viva as she goes through the motions of being morally-conflicted between home'n'family, and her captain'n'brother's jerkwad actions. She'll eventually decided to jump ship somewhere along the way, probably with the doc in tow. I like the idea of them stealing a shuttle and sneeking away in the night or something. Whatever works best with whatever story we cook up. Do you want to do charactersheets for this? I can tweek Viva's and throw one up for Valko if you like. And I left Valko's Buddy Captain a blank slate so feel free to make it what you like (other than the fact that they are pals and are both royal jerkwad crimminals). [/quote] Yeah it would be great if Nariata came back!!! Theres always a spot here open for Nari!!!! In the meantime, yeah, we start off on the Lucidae (Well Viva and Valko are on the Lucidae with evil-Cap), and Loire is on Noveria, about to leave when they dock and smuggle him on board to save Valko. I also love the idea of the two of them sneaking off in the dead of night, since Viva is a pilot, she can change the course of the Lucidae so that it flies close enough to a planet that they can use escape vessles to land on the nearest planet, then sneak off to somewhere else before Valko can notice. Perhaps we could go along teh route of Viva captures the doctor on Noveria, doctor fixes Valko but now he's kept hostage (they dont drop him off on the citadel), Viva is conflicted because its bad enough shes caugh tup in Valko's mess but now she's got an innocent doctor tangled up in the chaos too. After a few weeks/month/however long of being virtually held hostage, Viva makes a plan to break the two of them out and convinces Loire to join in. Somehow, they escape and then we go from there :) Perhaps they stick together for more adventures, or maybe part ways eventually meeting up again on the SIRIUS under a new captain and Valko could reappear looking for help later on! I have an idea about what to do with the evil captain to make things more complicated and conflicted but I feel bad about it ... I'll see how we go IC first heehe. Character sheets are optional, I mean theres a CS tab, and if you want to use CS's by all means pop one in, I'll do one up for evil cap and Loire is in the old thread so I'll copy paste it in this CS thread, but its entirely up to you if you want to go through making up a CS for Valko. You don't need to worry about doing a sample post, I know what your writing level is from the last RP so its cool! ^__^