[img]http://www.dailygalaxy.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/05/21/ice_planet.jpg[/img] [b][u]August 22nd, 2030[/u][/b] [i]The Earth has begun a rather in depth tilt on its axis, as well as a wobble in orbit. It is expected that the next Little Ice Age will begin soon, and it is expected to end in around June 2032, bringing some heavy snows to the colder climate countries, and light sprinkles in the warmer ones.[/i] [b][u]September 28th, 2030[/u][/b] [i]The tilt in the Earth is beginning to show more, and it is believed that the LIA will be a little heavier, and longer than expected.[/i] [b][i]December 15th, 2030[/i][/b] [i]The Earth's tilt has become immense, as well as its wobble. The Earth is falling of Orbit, ans straying from the sun. NASA has been working hard on trying to figure out a way to stop this event, or if it is a natural phenomenon, and will digress, until it is back in Orbit.[/i] ... That was one year ago. The Phenomenon has digressed, and stopped, but it's clear that the earth is not going back to its position in the orbit. The sun barely touches earth, and the sky is a deep gray, and we are unable to travel in the night, which now hits at somewhere around 4:00. We are barely surviving, having to rely on snow buried remnants of towns to find food, sometimes digging 6-7 feet to even get to a window. We are barely surviving, but this, is not living. It is slowly dying. Our hopes. Dreams. And way of life. Staying moving is our only hope. It keeps us warm, for a time, before we have to settle to make a fire, and eat. The average human lifespan is now 60 years, and it won't get better. The equator means nothing, as we are so far away, it barely gets hit. The world has no hope, but maybe you do. Will your efforts be great, and worthwhile, or will they be futile. Now what stands before you is a barren tundra, with hope on what lies ahead. Settlements, food, fire, a glimpse, of survival, of hope, of life. Now what lies behind you, is your past, your mistakes, your previous life, and your footprints in the snow... [hr] OOC: This is basically a post-apocalyptic RP, based on Earths next ice age. You will be playing a decently sized camp of survivors, struggling in the Arctic Deserts, scavenging for food, oil, and other people. Just a FYI, your character can, and probably will die in the RP, do to cold, avalanches, hunger. So that means you must maintain your character, and make sure they eat, stay warm... and, well, stay away from avalanches. [hr] Rules: I know, I know, I hate them to, but they have to be used to maintain the RP. - My word is final - So not post Character in the Char tab, until approved by me - Keep OOC in OOC - Romance and that stuff is allowed, but, PG-13 - Do not bash on other people's posts, or ideas. Basically, respect to everyone - No God Modding, I.E. Having your character be resistant to cold, doesn't need food, and is not damaged by anything etc. - Do not powerplay, I.E. Controlling someone else's character without their permission - Standard Guild Rules Apply - And lastly, have fun! [hr] [hider=CS] Actual Photos or Realistic Drawings, NO ANIME Age: Gender: Equipment: Please don't go all out. Try to stay pretty bare bones Skills: Don't be a master of everything, please only a few fields of specialization. Also, try to make it coordinate with what they did in their history Personality: 1-2 [detailed] paragraphs should suffice History: [b]At least[/b] two [detailed] paragraphs. One for pre Ice Age, and another for how they found the group and what they were doing in the ice age.[/hider]