CS TEMPLATES [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m66a0wz9SF1rzuwxao1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Loire Lanrete. [b]Age: [/b] 25. [b]Sex: [/b] M. [b]Orientation:[/b] Undecided (closeted homosexual). [b]Position:[/b] Medic. [b]Qualifications: [/b] Childhood prodigy, began medical school at 13 and graduated at 17 with exceptional results. He's worked on various military grade ships before finally joining the crew of the SIRIUS. He's done research on experimental brain implants as part of one of humanities leading scientific teams before suddenly quitting the program. [b]Personality:[/b] Quiet, shy, sometimes broody, distant, aloof, poetic, gentle, cowardly. [b]Likes:[/b] Study/research, piano/classical music, history and ancient ruins. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Violence, cigarettes, beer. [b]Strengths:[/b] Medicine, biology and xenobiology, classical music, cooking. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Combat, socialising, dance. [b]Open to relationships: [/b] Yeah [b]Relationships/family:[/b] Twin Sister - Lucine (deceased), Sandra Wu (former classmate, old friend). [b]Biography: [/b] Loire was born within 7 minutes of his twin sister, Lucine, on a colony planet inside the Milky way galaxy. He attended a local public school and at the age of 7 his teachers discovered he was a genius, though he played dumb so he could stay in the same classes as his sister, Lucine, who had average intelligence but excelled in ballet. After rigorous testing, it was discovered that Loire was within the top 2% of the system and the human research base on the Citadel requested Loire's parents send him away to learn medicine. Loire begged his parents to refuse, wanting to stay on his simple homeworld with his sister whom he loved dearly. At that time, his parents agreed. His childhood was relatively normal, aside from the fact he studied advanced subjects while sitting beside his sister in an average class. His parents and teachers encouarged him to study at his own pace (which turned out to be considerably fast) and supplied him with all the books he could read, in return, he was allowed to stay with his sister and lead a relatively normal life. Lucine excelled in dance adn was incredibly outgoing, Loire followed her like a shadow and the two were incredibly close. One day, while Loire was ailing with a common cold, Lucine prepared for her dance audition, with the chance to be awarded a place in a prestigious dance school on Earth. Loire agreed that if Lucine was accepted, he would allow himself to be sent to a medical school, but only if it was near his sister, somewhere on Earth. Their parents could not afford to relocate to Earth on a whim, but numerous research centres were begging Loire to attend, ever since he was young, so they decided that they would come up with a plan, should she be accepted to dance school. Loire was upset he couldn't attend his sisters audition, bedridden with a fever, but she assured him all would go well and he could support her from his bed and that she'd return home soon with good news. He never saw her alive again. After the dance audition, Lucine was killed in a fatal traffic collision which injured the two other passengers (one of Lucines classmates and her classmates father who was the driver). Distraught, Loire spent 2 years in a great depression, his parents moving around the colony on their shoestring budget, trying to find a way to rehabilitate Loire. No amount of counselling or therapy could console him, and by the time he was 13 he decided he was better off leaving altogether. His parents reluctantly sent him to the Citadel to train among the best biologists in the galaxy. Medical school went well for Loire, he threw himself heavily into his studies and though it didn't cure the hole in his heart, it gave him some kind of purpose. At 17 he graduated top of his class with exceptional grades. He immediately began working on the Citadel and later began working as a travelling medic on a number of different military vessels. At 21 he left his military service and returned to the Citadel, seeking to learn more about biotic implants, he'd read a few papers and wanted to analyse them. He was sent to a remote planet to work with an experimental division of scientists developing implants. He developed an experimental procedure to aid integration of biotic implants in humans however he highly stressed that his theory was not fully completed and was too dangerous to test, he forbid his peers using his half-completed research however they ignored and portions of Loire's procedure were performed on poor colony inhabitants. The tests were failures and the subjects were left horribly crippled or dead. Eventually, as an act of empathy, Loire and fellow researcher, Sandra Wu, euthanised the patients to ease their misery, their peers opposed the mercy killings and struck Loire and Sandra from the study. Gladly, as Loire had planned to leave anyway, he vacated the colony and wound up back on the Citadel, wandering aimlessly trying to fix his wrongs. He ran into the owner of the Sirius who was looking for a medic to join the crew and decided perhaps this was the escape he needed. [b]What does SIRIUS mean to your character?:[/b] Freedom, escape, and possibly redemption. [b]A.O.B:[/b] He's left handed and has the word "Lucine" tattooed on his inner-upper arm. [b]Sample post: [/b][hider]I'm the GM xP [/hider]