[img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/1ae5/f/2014/248/b/7/happy_anime_girl_render_by_natsi90-d7y0h2x.png[/img] Name: Skye Patterson Age: 14 Past before fostering: Skye has almost always been an orphan. She went with her parents on a plane ride back home as they gave birth to her on holiday. The plane went through a storm and crashed. her parents were killed but Skye luckily survived and now only has a scar on her back from it. She was in a foster home for 9 years before she was sent back to the place in charge of her when they found out she had powers. She was there for 5 years and became very depressed until her current parents came and adopted her and cheered her up. Personality: Kind and Helpful. She would help others before herself. Fear: Dentists and Doctors Power: Time Control but she can get worn out quickly Other: She loves animals, She will always look for ways to help