The class was filled up rather quickly, the Doctor hadn't expected to see the full main lot of main story characters those Harry Potter books so quickly but here they were. He waited for the students those who had questions but of course he should've known that Draco Malfoy being, the pompous git that he was would try and start trouble. Oh it was going to be quite the long class session and he knew it, he absolutely knew it the moment Draco raised his hand. Hearing the Slytherin's words, the Doctor took in a breath and was about to scold him for making his snide remark toward Hermione. But to his surprise another student spoke, one who seemed to hold quite a bit of knowledge and truthful knowledge at that. The Time Lord averted his gaze as he took in what Luna was saying, a rather intrigued look came upon his features as he leaned against his desk and turned his attention fully on the blonde haired Ravenclaw. "You are absolutely correct, Miss Lovegood. Thank you for that" his gaze them turned to Hermione as she spoke in a tone toward the Slytherin and as Draco started with a new rant the Doctor gave a clear of his throat "Owes you and your family?" his tone in a slight annoyed manner the Time Lord brought his gaze to the blonde Slytherin. A stern look in dark brown eyes "oh don't be do daft, Draco. The wizarding world was around a lot longer than even your family." he shook his head knowing that was out of line. "Alright, enough of that. Any more questions can wait until after today's lecture, eh?. Let's begin class, shall we?" Not allowing any other student to interrupt the morning's session the Doctor took off with his teachings. He'd read about the Harry Potter Era and had even visited a few times during Gordric Gryffindor and the other creators of the school were kids, during previous regenerations of course. So needless to say he knew quite a bit about the era. Class went by rather smoothly after that small outbreak due to Draco, the Doctor was just glad that his first class ever taught went by great without much of a hitch and that students were actually listening and paying attention, whole heartedly asking questions and ever so interested in the class. At least most of them, aside from the Slytherins and their pompous behaviors which the Time Lord didn't appreciate at all. But after meeting Salazar Slytherin he could see why all the Slytherins were as foul and cold blooded as serpents. The class rounded to an end, the Doctor gave a smile and thanks to the class. "That'll be all, thank you all for making this teaching session quite enjoyable" the Time Lord gave a smile and dismissed them all. Harry had packed up his messenger bag quickly, he didn't mind the class, quite enjoyed it to be honest but right now? After the outbreak from Draco? Being so foul to Hermione? That bothered him a great deal but right now he wasn't up to dealing with anything at all. He had way too much on his plate as it was. Once all packed up, his bag over his shoulder he blinked upon Hermione taking his harm but hurried with her as they walked out of the classroom together. Of course right when Harry hoped that they were free, Draco's voice rang in the green eyed wizard's ears and his words caused Harry's anger to spike. He was about to comment which would have probably broken out in a full on argument or worse but Hermione pulled him along toward the dungeons for their Double Potions class. In Double Charms, Mr. Smith had rambled on about charms the differences and for those who had possibly forgotten how to cast which he knew that they didn't but he still had that feeling that Rose Tyler wasn't who she truly said she was in terms of Beaubaxton so the demonstration was still mainly for her. The class had went on rather nicely, no interruptions, no annoying students it was a very pleasant teaching experience. Then again like he'd notice, Mr. Smith was a more laid back sort of guy, didn't matter to him who paid attention, who didn’t. That was just his form of teaching. As the class rounded to an end and went about their own way for a break before the second half of the class, Mr. Smith sat at his desk his eyes scanning over the next chapter he'd be discussing when all of a sudden he hear a voice asking him a question. He remembered that voice and knew who it belonged to, without living his gaze he answered "Carlisle, a city in North West England" however her next question threw him off guard. Bringing those blue eyes to meet hers Mr. Smith gave a look of confusion but soon a smile tugged at his lips "Through time yes, I have been curious about the past. But as you say a Time turner doesn't count? Well then I suppose I haven't" he slowly closed his book and brought his elbows upon the desk top as he looked directly at her, she'd managed to get his full attention with her statements "Now traveling through space would be quite the adventure, eh?" his smile broadened at the idea "Sadly though no, I'm just a Charms Professor is all. Sorry to disappoint, Miss Tyler" hearing her final words there they got the hidden Time Lord to blink "Really? you think of that of me? Well thank you kindly, Miss Tyler. It's not often I get comments and compliments such as that" he looked to her closely "I suppose I can say similar about you" he gave a glance at her attire "You look and dress and actually sound like a girl out of her element. Nothing wrong with that at all, I might add" he smiled to her before preparing for the second half of class. The Doctor had already set up for his next class by the time Luna walked up to him. He found himself leaning back against the front of his desk, he waited there quite patiently as she simply stared at him. The Time Lord wasn't bothered by it, but why on earth was she staring at him, she was studying him, what was she seeing? This very much intrigued the Time Lord as he slowly brought his arms to calmly cross over his chest as he looked to her quite the curious look upon his face. When she finally snapped out of it and spoke to him, the man raised his eyebrows in surprise at her words. His aura? she could see his aura? Well she really was quite the peculiar one, wasn't she? The Doctor couldn't help but give her a smile "Thank you for the observation, Miss Lovegood." but she continued speaking of his eyes. Something about her caused the Doctor to be a bit taken aback, what was this sudden realization? He looked to her with curious eyes as he smiled to her. Yet she was cut off, his eyes falling upon the parchment ball that sat her feet. He gave a light sigh but looked to Luna "It's quite alright, Luna, no harm done.. for the most part" his eyes fell upon the paper on the floor. When she hurried out of the classroom, the Doctor gave a sigh "Oi!" he spoke out to the student and with a wave of his 'wand' the ball was levitating in the air, with a flick of his wrist it raced for the student who had flung it and smacked him square between the eyes "Just for that interruption, you can stand for the entire class period" his voice stern as he moved the chair with another flick of his wrist. With an adjustment of his robes the Doctor went starting the lecture.