Name: Urist MacFistbeard III Species: Dwarf, but everybody thinks he's human. Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Urist MacFistbeard is a short, 4'7" dwarf. He is stocky, as most dwarves are, but only when compared to other species. His skin is a light-tan color and has an incredibly coarse feel to it. His hands are notably calloused. Urist wears his amber hair long but unkempt, frizzing down to his shoulders where he typically cuts it. The most notable part of Urist is his lack of beard. While most dwarves are capable of growing fine beards by the age of five, Urist had yet to even develop any facial hair. Faction: Guildless Personality blurb: Due to insecurities, Urist typically tells people he is human. He shies away from contact with most sentient beings. Most conversations he has are with his pet rock. Biography blurb: The story of Urist was a sad one which begun with misfortune as Urist was born without any sign of facial hair whatsoever. As eldest son of the MacFistbeard clan, Urist was to inherit his father's position. As expected, his father had high expectations. Even when he turned four and still had no beard, Urist was pushed by his father. Most dwarves of the Fistbeard family attend dwarven private school, however, Urist, with no facial hair, could not risk disgracing his family. His father therefore sent him to a different school, where dwarves would hopefully be less common. Powers: None Abilities: Urist has the typical dwarven strength and endurance. Apart from that, nothing too abnormal. Weapons: Urist wears a hair clip which turns into a large steel hammer. Though it was meant to be kept on a beard, Urist must wear the clip on his hair for lack of beard. Other: Urist has a sentient pet rock named Stone.