[hr][h1][i][color=firebrick]James Milliner[/color][/i][/h1][hr] [color=firebrick][i]Somewhere along the Las Palmas Strip[/i][/color] The air was cool, but not cold. It was a pleasant morning, as far as mornings go. James glanced at his wrist watch. It was far too early to walk about the city. Hell, it was far too early to be awake at all. The Strip was different this time of day. The traffic was about as heavy as usual, but no cars were stopping or parking. They were merely passing through. After all, nearly all of the businesses in the area were closed this time of day. Accordingly, the sidewalk James was traveling on was far from crowded, with maybe twenty feet separating the pedestrians, on average. Reaching inside the chest pocket of his black shirt, James pulled out a brass cigarette case. He thought they were a nuisance, considering how few cancer sticks they held. But Alex had been adamant about his personnel appearing 'classy', and James obliged. He pulled one out and lit it while stopping at a red light. He hadn't exactly been surprised by the call he'd received last night, given that Max had asked for it just a few days ago, but he was curious what the girl was doing. Maxine Carter was the step daughter of Hank Smith, an old Iron Cross acquaintance of James'. Smith had been picked up by NEST agents a few months ago, and if it hadn't been for the obviously strained relationship he had with his step daughter, James might've thought Max was intending to spring the man. Because that much she had made clear over the phone; she'd asked if James still had his "night job". Max clearly wanted to break in somewhere, and given that she'd reached out to James - who was merely a passing acquaintance, James had assumed it was something serious - or that the girl was desperate. Regardless, James owed Smith a favor and figured this might be the time to repay it. After all, how difficult a score could a 19-year-old rave chick ever conjure up? Accordingly, James had suggested they'd meet the following night, but Max had wanted to meet even sooner. And it was because of this James now found himself tiredly tagging along the Strip at a quarter to nine in the morning. Stifling a yawn, James patiently waited for the green light even though the middle-aged couple beside him already hurriedly started to cross the road while there was a gap in traffic. As the light switched, James walked on and put the cigarette back in his mouth. [i]Why are you even bothering with this, James? You should've just said no. You got enough on your plate as it is. You need to figure out what to do about the Children - and fucking Simon - not do some shit heist with a chick barely out of high school.[/i] Hell, she was probably a drop-out. As he saw the white and red sign read out "The Maple Café", James abandoned his thoughts and stepped inside. Max wasn't here yet. He ordered some pancakes and took a seat facing the entrance and leaned back.