[color=f7941d]“Oh, but Shrimp-chan! You’ll never make it into the Black Class with that sort of attitude,”[/color] Donna chimed in happily. [color=f7941d]“Now come this way, come, come! We need to get you all patched up before lunch. Oh ho, but you’re so short I think I can eat you myself!”[/color] Donna led Minako behind the counter and into one of the many doors. Inside was a typical school infirmary room, complete with bed, couch, an examining table, a sink, and even a television set that sat suspended above the bedside. Actually, thinking about it, it was more like a hospital room than anything else but that comparison was soon lost as Donna motioned for the short girl to climb herself up on the examining table. [color=f7941d]“Do you want some morphine or do you want me to just rip it right out Shrimp-chan?”[/color] Away from the school infirmary, Rei was glad that Addie had made up her mind and finally picked a room. All the while, she continued to ignore Sayaka’s deluded and frankly disturbing vocal fantasies about her older sister. Instead, she merely grunted as Sayaka complimented her family’s inherited, er, sexiness, showing that she was at least paying some attention to her burned roommate. [color=8493ca]“I don’t think the students are in danger anymore Addie-san. That’s not the way my sister operates and besides, I doubt they would want to test their incoming classes twice in the same day. Classes begin tomorrow so I assume they want us prepared for whatever that may bring.”[/color] With that answered, Rei narrowed her eyes as Sayaka tried to skip out on hanging around by lying crudely and obviously. Sighing, Rei lashed out and grabbed a hold of the burned girl’s collar, slowly dragging her back into the dorm room and closing the door while she was at it. [color=8493ca]“As much as I hate her, I’m not letting some damaged pervert try to do something to my sister,”[/color] Rei said, hauling Sayaka over to the living room area. [color=8493ca]“Besides, I think you really want a death wish because the Head Director will probably kill you before you could so much as visualize her with that dirty mind of yours.”[/color] Back in the main control room, Saya turned to see Izumi enter forth. Only a few remaining staff were around, the rest having gone prepared their classrooms for tomorrow’s big day. With arms still crossed, the Head Director gave Izumi a cool look. [color=ed1c24]“Izumi. Looks like Donna and Kaede are busy with their tasks. Why don’t you do a quick security check on the campus?”[/color]