[h3][color=SkyBlue]Gen Itoshi[/Color][/h3] [i]Monday, May 4[sup]th[/sup] - 2015[/i] [i]Warakuma Hospital - Parking Lot[/i] Oops, Gen did it again. He played with fate, and lost in the game. Now the other guy's shirt was wet, and as he was propped back on his feet, Gen felt the cool sensation of liquid running down his body. Good thing they were on Spring, and that the weather was mild, otherwise he would be suffering. And so would the other. Oh boy, how could he not see him? Gen was so immersed in his inner world, trying to talk himself up to visit a classmate, that he took for granted that other people lived in the outer world. [color=SkyBlue]"I-uh-I... Thanks."[/color] Words failed. Great. Gen took the towel, grateful, and started to dry the wet spots. That was such an awkward situation, and silence made it all the more awkward, so Gen decided to make some noise in the form of speech: "Um, excuse me, I don't know if you can help me, but..." His words trailed off as he thought. Would people outside her class know that Chiaki was here? It was a risk, given that she was an idol and magazines would want to squeeze her up for any small detail of her captivity. Well, it was worth a try! [color=SkyBlue]"But do you know if Nettu Chiaki-san is in this hospital? I was tasked to deliver her today's homework."[/color]