[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171016/af053455bcc05ad7ed40b2a3fbbaebdb.png[/img][img]https://img00.deviantart.net/7e89/i/2015/079/d/5/one_piece_best_arcs__twitter_header_by_omegas82128-d8megih.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171016/e8f70a37d82e1a65891128d41f694cfe.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] Hello everyone and welcome to One Piece: Anarchy! This roleplay is gonna be -obviously- based on the japanese manga and anime by the wonderful Eichiro Oda. I have been preparing this for quite some time since OP roleplays have somewhat of a curse on them, rarely ever surviving the first crucial month but hopefully this one will make the cut. At least, I promise to give it my best shot. [hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171016/d607080640a3829bcce386ce1b2e5b4b.png[/img][/center] This roleplay will begin 12 years* after the battle that shook the world, the final confrontation where the Strawhats and all their allies stood against the World Government, the Marines and Blackbeard along with his own allies. Now, standing against one of these forces would be an extremely difficult task but standing against all three? Suicide. Luffy and Co. were utterly defeated thus ending the Great Pirate Era and giving birth to the Era of Justice where the ranks of the Navy flourished with thousands of new recruits who saw the fall of the Strawhats and all their allies, the World Government tightened its grip throughout the world now that there wasn't anyone willing to stand against it as well as honored its deal with Blackbeard and gave him -practically- full control over all the Blues, a price even the Marines considered too steep yet [sup]*Four years after Ace's death meaning a total of 16 years past the current OP timeline.[/sup]